
Kool-Aid Easter Egg Sharing Giveaway Winners!

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Wow, can I just say that I think you guys are SO awesome!  We were able to share that post and video with so many people right before Easter.  And all of the comments from Moms everywhere saying how easy it was and how thankful they were they saw the post or pin or video was amazing!!  See what a voice you guys have??

I even saw people talking about Kool-Aid Easter Eggs everywhere online… Although I don’t think all of that was just us, I think we should pretend it was. 😉

So thank you for sharing!  So now I need to know, Did You Guys Like that Giveaway??  Should We Do More Giveaways Similar to That One in the Future??

And now to the Winners.  Each winner below has won a $50 Gift Card to the Retail Store, Restaurant, Spa or Salon of their Choice. (Remember, the only rule is that you HAVE to spend it on yourself!)

And the Winners Are:

Jeralyn (the_foxglove@) Re-Pinned Post on Pinterest
Allison (rekota5@) Re-Pinned on Pinterest
Kylynne (krhuber2007@)  Re-Pinned Video on Pinterest
Rebecca (rebasheba@) Re-Pinned the Video
Natalie (nutes145@) Re-Pinned the Video
Emily (emily.m.mik@) Re-Pinned Video
Alissa Shae (alissa.shae.seamons@) Re-Pinned on Pinterest

Congrats!  If you are listed as a winner above, you will need to show proof that you actually entered for this one–since it is way too hard for me to track on my own.  Just email Jen at and let her know you were one of the winners.  Take a screen shot of your entry, or give her the URL of your entry so she can see it.

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  1. Woo-hoo!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  2. For a split second I thought I had won, because you can read my comment on your screen grab above! I really loved this giveaway. I think you should do more in the future! You always have the best giveaways, and I will definitely keep trying for a win.
    I loved this idea for dying eggs. I had tons of friends share the video. My Aunt went nuts over it, and had all her grandkids over to die eggs. I even told the cashier at Target. I think you should definitely take credit for everyone talking about it!

  3. I liked this giveaway and also think you should do more in the future. I had people respond to it on my FB page.


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