Secret Santa 2014

This is Exactly Why We Do the Freebies2Deals “Secret Santa” Project Each Year! (Read a Thank You Card from One of Our Recipients)

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I can’t believe I didn’t see this letter until now. But when I shipped all of our Secret Santa Projects to needy families, I shipped them from a UPS Box number so we could try to keep as anonymous as possible. Even though we didn’t tell the recipients who we were, they still had our UPS box address. So when I found this card in my box last week, I was blown away! It’s pictured above for you all. But I typed it up for you below so you could read:

“Dearest Secret Santa Angel of Love:

Our dire situation has kept us occupied on a daily basis with countless projects that never seem to end… It was the 23rd of December when your generous gift arrived, still unprepared for the Christmas Celebration. I was in shock and disbelief as I read your letter. We cannot believe that there are still kind-hearted, compassionate, honest and charitable people in this world like you!!

For over 25 years, we have paid tithing and fast offerings wholeheartedly (this is a religious thing for those who don’t know) even though we went into debt by doing so. It’s been well over 2 years now after the devastating water damage to our home — to this day not even a grain of wheat, nor a warm meal, nor a caring hello from our church members/leaders whom we have served with in love & faith. And it is you, a complete stranger who showed us Christ-like attributes. Thank you, thank you, so much for your hard work, efforts, love and for making us smile–especially our 12 year old son.”

Your donations mean the world to our Secret Santa families. And they obviously really helped these people out. Sometimes people get overlooked, sometimes there isn’t enough to go around to help out and sometimes people just need to be shown some love. So thank you so much for donating each year and giving to those in need. I’m even more pumped for this upcoming year’s project!


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  1. That really warms your heart. People forget that faith has nothing to do with church in many contexts, and this is very faith-restoring.

  2. This brought tears to my eyes. I absolutely love that you do this every year. I cannot wait to contribute every year. Thank you for always thinking of others!

  3. You have touched so many lives in countless ways and continue to do so! Thank you for all you do! What a beautiful card!

  4. how wonderful!

  5. how wonderful for her to reach out to you and your readers who were so generous with their time and money! It DOES matter and make a difference. Just a side note: we are NEVER supposed to go into debt to pay our tithes and offerings. I always admire the faith of those that are willing to do that but it is misguided. Heavenly Father doesn’t want us digging our own hole to feel good about paying Him back.

    • I was going to comment on that too. If you are paying your tithes and offerings, knowing you are going to have to live off your credit cards or go further into debt just to make it that month, I think perhaps you need to rethink your situation. On the other hand, some people feel if they waited to pay tithing until they were financially able, they never would – so they go ahead and sacrifice to be obedient. Definitely a personal decision.

  6. You were the answer to their prayers when other did not hear them. Thank you for being a blessing to so many.

  7. What a wonderful letter to receive and what a great way to be a small blessing in their lives.
    Not to get religious, but I wished I coiuld encourage their family to read D&C again and see that it clearly states to pay tithing on a surplus…but I know our loving Heavenly Father has blessed their lives (through things such as secret Santa) even if they are paying incorrectly.

  8. Is there a way we can let this family’s ward bishop know about this letter? If they are in need of food, the Bishop’s Storehouse can help. I agree about what has been said about the tithing issue. I wish them the best and hope that they can get out of this bad situation and repair relations.

  9. What a blessing! Thank you for sharing this with us.


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