If you are already done shopping, chances are you keep seeing great deals on other items your kids will love.
I just wanted to remind you guys that stores will want to sell as much as they can before Christmas. �So, that means price drops and deals for us! �And, it is also a good time for you to think ahead to Birthdays. Stores actually make 40% or more of their profit for the entire year during November and December. �So to hit their yearly goals, they will do just about anything to get there.
If you see a deal that is too good to pass up, and you can afford to grab it, don’t be afraid to buy it now and hide it away until your child’s Birthday! �You can save a bunch of money ahead of time!
My boys have birthdays in January and March. I always shop for them in December though when all the great deals pop up!
Definitely! My girl’s birthday isn’t until next October but I still will look for birthday gifts! I just grabbed a toy for her Easter gift too!
I have 14 nieces and nephews that I have to buy birthday presents for throughout the year. Now is the time when I get them, because I can get killer deals! I’ve gotten most of my presents from Amazon this year. I think I have an addiction to amazon.
Thanks for this tip.
I do that every year. I love to always have something stored away. Always be prepared
Thank you for the tip, this will be my first year doing it:))
I like to buy in advance too. Do you think there will be any better markdowns after Christmas to clear out the inventory?