It looks like you can still use the code TGT339ZM to get 20% off the Sophia doll or ANY Sophia the First Toy! (Thanks Jennine!)
If you want the short version…. buy it as soon as it releases! �So many times families wait until November or December to purchase a Top Christmas Toy that was released as early as August.
More than likely, it wasn’t purchased in August because you didn’t know your child wanted it. �Or, you just didn’t keep Christmas planning in the back of your mind.
To get your hands on all of the Top Christmas Toys each year, I would HIGHLY recommend pre-ordering them. �(Amazon usually does this.) �If pre-ordering isn’t an option, I would recommend purchasing them as soon as they are released.
A lot of families also wait to purchase those Top Christmas Toys because they hope that a deal or coupon will pop up on them. �So, they wait and wait and wait…. but in reality, it is VERY RARE to see a discount on those top toys….especially when retailers know people will be fighting over the product at full price.
For example, �Disney recently released Sophia the First Toys and Dolls. �These are going to be HUGE this year for Christmas. �But I’m not sure many Moms know that they are available to purchase now. I could definitely see items like the Sophia Talking Doll with Friends Set being one of those top toys that ends up being hard to find in December! HINT:**Use coupon code�TGT339ZM to get 20% off this doll or ANY Sophia the First Toy July 1st- July 6th from Target!
And not to freak you out… but some of the Sophia the First Toys have already sold out on the Walmart site. �That isn’t to say that they won’t be getting more. �But I wanted to prove my point that it is very realistic these will be harder and harder to find the closer we get to Christmas.
- Seems crazy… but have your kids start a Christmas list now. �Have it be a running Christmas list that they can add items to if they want. �You can even give them a cutoff date. �Tell them that Santa needs time to find all of their toys so they can’t keep adding new toys to their list. �This should help your sanity too!
- Trust your gut. �If you feel like a certain toy will be hard to find later, purchase it while you can. �More than likely, you will be right.
- A bunch of the Top Toys could go on sale the closer we get to Christmas. �So be watching for those sales… but don’t wait too long, or you might not be able to find it at all.
- Pre-Order those CRAZY Top Toy items…. I’m referring to the Brand New Xbox One and other gaming systems. If you don’t pre-order, you will have a very hard time getting your hands on it….just like the Wii U last year.
- Compare prices on what I call the Top 5: Amazon, Walmart, Target, Best Buy and ToysRus! �In my experience, these are the companies that will compete for your your business and always offer the best deals! �So, before you purchase, always compare prices on these 5 sites to make sure you get the best price.
Shari Willis
being on a super tight budget, I have to start doing my christmas shopping now. Buying things slowly when I see them at a great price saves our family so much money.
So you don’t think waiting for a Black Friday sale on the new Xbox is a good idea?
I highly doubt that would be discounted.
If they have a Black Friday sell on the Xbox One or PS4 it probably won’t be a discounted , but the same price, but it may come with a game or two.
Hahaha, So I just did a search (through swagbucks of course) to see what the top toys were for this year, and found this: I don’t think it’s the right list
That horse thing cracked me up, it was totally not what I was expecting.
great tips, thank you!
chandra miller
christmas already!?
I have already started my shopping! I also have to do birthday shopping! My older daughter has a September birthday and my middle daughter’s birthday is 2 weeks before Christmas! I always start shopping during the summer, but I have a nice size closet with high shelves that make great hiding spots!
Lauren Dias
I always check Target around this time because they start their toy clearance and I always stock up on items for birthday’s and Christmas. My husband and I love to donate a lot for the holidays, so we start checking Toys R Us, Target and Walmart during the summer to stash away.
Got that Sofia doll for a great deal! Thank you! We have all our kids birthdays before Christmas still!
I got that Sofia talking doll for my daughter great deal! I scored big at Target this week they clearanced out a bunch of toys early and I managed to get stuff for the rest of my summer birthdays and christmas done!! Everything that I got was at least 50% off.
Destiny Spackman
When you pay for shipping at Target you end up paying a little bit more than at Amazon, so if you don’t have a target close by Amazon is still the way to go.