Christmas Deals / Crazy Deals

How to Get Your Hands on the TOP Christmas Toys Each Year!

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freebies2deals top toys 2013

It looks like you can still use the code TGT339ZM to get 20% off the Sophia doll or ANY Sophia the First Toy! (Thanks Jennine!)

If you want the short version…. buy it as soon as it releases! �So many times families wait until November or December to purchase a Top Christmas Toy that was released as early as August.

More than likely, it wasn’t purchased in August because you didn’t know your child wanted it. �Or, you just didn’t keep Christmas planning in the back of your mind.

To get your hands on all of the Top Christmas Toys each year, I would HIGHLY recommend pre-ordering them. �(Amazon usually does this.) �If pre-ordering isn’t an option, I would recommend purchasing them as soon as they are released.

A lot of families also wait to purchase those Top Christmas Toys because they hope that a deal or coupon will pop up on them. �So, they wait and wait and wait…. but in reality, it is VERY RARE to see a discount on those top toys….especially when retailers know people will be fighting over the product at full price.

freebies2deals sophia the first talking doll

For example, �Disney recently released Sophia the First Toys and Dolls. �These are going to be HUGE this year for Christmas. �But I’m not sure many Moms know that they are available to purchase now. I could definitely see items like the Sophia Talking Doll with Friends Set being one of those top toys that ends up being hard to find in December! HINT:**Use coupon code�TGT339ZM to get 20% off this doll or ANY Sophia the First Toy July 1st- July 6th from Target!

freebies2deals top sofia the first toys

And not to freak you out… but some of the Sophia the First Toys have already sold out on the Walmart site. �That isn’t to say that they won’t be getting more. �But I wanted to prove my point that it is very realistic these will be harder and harder to find the closer we get to Christmas.


  1. Seems crazy… but have your kids start a Christmas list now. �Have it be a running Christmas list that they can add items to if they want. �You can even give them a cutoff date. �Tell them that Santa needs time to find all of their toys so they can’t keep adding new toys to their list. �This should help your sanity too!
  2. Trust your gut. �If you feel like a certain toy will be hard to find later, purchase it while you can. �More than likely, you will be right.
  3. A bunch of the Top Toys could go on sale the closer we get to Christmas. �So be watching for those sales… but don’t wait too long, or you might not be able to find it at all.
  4. Pre-Order those CRAZY Top Toy items…. I’m referring to the Brand New Xbox One and other gaming systems. If you don’t pre-order, you will have a very hard time getting your hands on it….just like the Wii U last year.
  5. Compare prices on what I call the Top 5: Amazon, Walmart, Target, Best Buy and ToysRus! �In my experience, these are the companies that will compete for your your business and always offer the best deals! �So, before you purchase, always compare prices on these 5 sites to make sure you get the best price.

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  1. being on a super tight budget, I have to start doing my christmas shopping now. Buying things slowly when I see them at a great price saves our family so much money.

  2. So you don’t think waiting for a Black Friday sale on the new Xbox is a good idea?

    • I highly doubt that would be discounted.

    • If they have a Black Friday sell on the Xbox One or PS4 it probably won’t be a discounted , but the same price, but it may come with a game or two.

  3. Hahaha, So I just did a search (through swagbucks of course) to see what the top toys were for this year, and found this: I don’t think it’s the right list 🙂 That horse thing cracked me up, it was totally not what I was expecting.

  4. great tips, thank you!

  5. christmas already!?

  6. I have already started my shopping! I also have to do birthday shopping! My older daughter has a September birthday and my middle daughter’s birthday is 2 weeks before Christmas! I always start shopping during the summer, but I have a nice size closet with high shelves that make great hiding spots!

  7. I always check Target around this time because they start their toy clearance and I always stock up on items for birthday’s and Christmas. My husband and I love to donate a lot for the holidays, so we start checking Toys R Us, Target and Walmart during the summer to stash away.

  8. Got that Sofia doll for a great deal! Thank you! We have all our kids birthdays before Christmas still!

  9. I got that Sofia talking doll for my daughter great deal! I scored big at Target this week they clearanced out a bunch of toys early and I managed to get stuff for the rest of my summer birthdays and christmas done!! Everything that I got was at least 50% off.

  10. When you pay for shipping at Target you end up paying a little bit more than at Amazon, so if you don’t have a target close by Amazon is still the way to go.


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