This morning I have received a few emails from you regarding the Game/Mini Wii Controllers deal that Wal-Mart was offering last week. Some of you are receiving emails saying that your order cannot be fulfilled for some reason or another. In my opinion, it is COMPLETELY unacceptable for them to not fulfil your order, especially after it has been so long since you purchased it.
What I would do in this situation is call up and talk with Wal-Mart Customer Service. Let them know that if they choose to not fulfill your order, they are violating False Advertising Laws. Furthermore, just sending a $10 gift card instead of your $35 game is not a fair trade. So, stand up for yourselfs. And, if you aren’t the type of person that can handle confrontation, get your spouse involved to do the dirty work for you!
If the customer service agent won’t fulfil your order, then I personally would cancel my order and ask for an immediate refund- even if they have already shipped your order! Then, write a customer service letter letting them know about the deal they had up on their site for over a week and then decided to cancel your order. If it really was “mis-priced”, they would have taken the offer down A LOT sooner. I’m guessing it was more that they were losing money, and that was why they decided to cancel their orders.
With places like Amazon competing with Wal-Mart each day, you would think they wouldn’t do this type of thing to people. (Especially during Christmas Season.) Customers will and can have other retailers to choose from. Bad move on Wal-mart’s Part!
So, take a stand and contact Wal-Mart (NOT THROUGH EMAIL), but through the phone first to try and get your order resolved. Then, you can send an email not only about the customer service agent you worked with, but the original situation.
For those of you who have received your order already, feel extremely lucky!~
***Furthermore, if you purchased the LEGO Duplo Box and only received a $10 eGift Card… Send them the screenshot that I posted here. That should be enough to get what they owe you!
You are an amazing person! I participated in the Groupon for the movie tickets that went south. I learned from you about it and didn't get anything from Groupon so I contacted them. I never would have known had you not posted about it. Thanks for watching out for all of us in addition to everything else you do!
Our Loved-up Family
With the movie ticket deal Groupon were great, I didn't even contact them for a refund, I just went to my bank to get a refund, and got a refund from Groupon and from Movie tickets. Easy Peasy.
Leanne Joy
My husband and I both contacted Walmart over the phone and they are very scripted in saying that in the terms and conditions it states that they can cancel any order for any reason and there is not any way they can give me the offer at the price that was posted. We even spoke with a supervisor. Good luck to anyone who tries! I did however get an email response stating they would send me a $25 egiftcard to offset the price back to what price I was promised for Super Mario Bros. Email might be working better this time. (Although I still haven't received my $25 egiftcard so I shouldn't get too excited yet)
I must be one of the lucky ones. I received my Epic Mickey game last week and I received an email stating I would get my controller sometime this week. I usually don't like shopping at Walmart and this just confirms my dislike for the giant store. So sorry to all of you that didn't get your order.
I have not received ANYTHING as far as a gift card from Walmart in connection with the duplo! I need to call but I have been trying to be patient!
Jamie VanBeekum
I must have been very fortunate – I received my game and controller without problems. I'm so sorry that others have had problems. What stinkers they can be!
So I ordered this too and only received a game. So does this mean I won't get the controller? I have not received any email from Walmart, but my receipt for the game said that my shipment was in more than one order. This is really confusing. Why would it work for some and not for others? I would not have purchased the game without the little controller. I better get the controller too!!
I actually got both items for this Walmart offer, but when they had the Disney PJ and Robe sets, I got one wrong size and one, didn't get anythings. When I called, they said they were out of those, and I would have to try and get online and order different ones. They were all out. I have also had similar situations with the Snuggies from Carol Wright gifts and the cook books that were $5. I think these companies are just overwhelmed with all of the response, that they can't even keep up! You must be doing something right to get all these people to all the different websites! I love your deals!
Laurie Mecham
I don't understand why they are canceling some people's orders because after they had this deal up, they took it down and then put it up again. I actually just placed my order yesterday for this same deal. It is supposedly being processed now. Hopefully I get it…
Target did something very similar Black Friday with the Lord of the Rings Trilogy on blu-ray. Advertised for 7.99. Went on sale Thanksgiving morning online and many people including myself ordered it and then didn't look for it in the store on Black Friday. Saturday an email came saying it would be delayed until after Christmas. Then that Sunday an email came saying the order was canceled due to "lack of stock" and they aren't doing anything other than say it could be bought for full price. There is even a facebook group about it since it appears they canceled ALL orders!! I'm sure they had plenty of stock!
I ordered 2 seperate orders and received on of the games thurs and then received the rest this morning. My sister read this post this morning so i was getting worried, but then it arrived! Sorry for those who haven't received theirs.
I just wanted to say that I recieved mine with no problem… If walmart is not honoring your orders ask them why they are honoring other orders.Thanks for the info
I ordered mine early that first morning that you posted it and then I went back and put one in my cart later in the afternoon. That evening I went to check out again and the deal was gone but a few days later I saw the deal was up again with the added prices. I still had my second order in my cart and it let me check out for the oringal price of $35. I got my 1st game last week and the controller a day or two later. My latest order says that it's shipped so I'm hoping it comes too. Good luck to everyone else.
I got $10 credit in an e-mail after several e-mail attempts back and forth. First they told me it was a vendor fulfillment issue. Then they said it was mispriced. I still want my order so I will pursue it over the phone with Walmart. I am completely disappointed with them.
I received mine in two separate shipments and I know that my neighbor received hers too. That really stinks that a corporate giant like Wal-mart would over sell at Christmas!
I'm sorry for those that didn't get theirs either! That just sucks! I got both of my games and got an email saying my controllers are on the way. If nothing else, the price for just the games were good, but since I got a shipping email, I'm sure I'm fine. Good luck to all that are getting screwed! Throw a stink about it!
The Skinner Family
This sucks!!! They canceled my ENTIRE order, I won't get ANYTHING! I'm on hold for customer service right now. I'm gonna make a fuss!
I received my controller & Epic Mickey no problem. I did receive them in 2 seperate shipments though. Keep in mind you have rights through your financial institution. Contact your card issuer about doing a "charge back".
This sound like what happened about a month ago when I bought the Ironman 2 combo pack for $15. They also cancelled the order, saying it was due to a pricing error, and gave me the go-around despite about half a dozen calls to customer service. Thankfully, enough people complained that a few days later they ended up sending me an e-gift certificate that I could use to offset the new price to what I'd originally bought it for or to use on something else. Keep at it…if enough of you do, you'll win every time!
Justin and Tisha
I got my order, but i am missing a controler. the reciept shows that it should be there but it is not! Plus their office is closed until Monday! Frustrating!
A similar situation happened to me at Target about a month ago. My order was canceled out of the blue weeks after ordering and after having several confirmation emails. And customer service wasn't ANY help – just that they could cancel any order any time they wanted to. That just doesn't seem right!!Target wasn't offering any Gift Cards to help smooth the problem over – but it still has left a bad taste in my mouth – and it's saddening to hear that Walmart isn't any different.
Hey I am glad to see this post…I am glad I am not alone in this matter. I am so mad at walmart and will not be doing this again…no matter how good the deal is…this is not worth all the stress and time. I spent an hour on the phone with costumer service. And even talked with a supervisor. After getting all made and even saying they should honor it and put it on back order if not available before they just up and cancel. but they said they have the right to at anytime! So I am getting a 10 dollar ecard for my incovenince. I am wondering how to dispute the charge but I paid through pay pal how can I cancel. They said I couldn't because it was processing!help
Yeah my neighbor texted me on Saturday saying she only got a game and then a $10 egiftcard instead of controller. I guess I was lucky- I got Epic Mickey last week and then the controller came Saturday in the mail. I also did the Duplo deal and got my $20 eGift card within minutes of when I ordered.
I had to wait FOREVER for the controller to get here, but I finally got it. I go the epic mickey in about 2 days…the controller about 2 weeks. I guess my patience worked out to be a virtue this time. I'm usually the one that has to fight with the company….(Lil luxe still hasn't even SENT my order, but they did charge my card over a week ago).