Right now at Sam’s Club, you can get this SmarTrike Balance Bike for Only $14.81! (Reg. $30). This Balance Bike is the fastest, simplest way to learn how to ride a bicycle. Kids as young as 2 can start training and develop the necessary balance skills required to ride a pedal bike. The ergonomic low frame allows even young toddlers to feel comfortable while learning.​ The seat and handlebar are height adjustable, growing alongside your child as they get older and develop the confidence they need for a pedal bicycle. 1st stage, 2-3 years: Offering a learning curve in baby steps, the Balance Bike allows toddlers to start experiencing a bike at a younger age.​ 2nd stage, 3-5 years: Keep training. If your little one needs a few more steps before transitioning to a pedal bicycle or just enjoys the Balance Bike experience, simply adjust the handlebar and seat according to their growing needs.​
SmarTrike Balance Bike Only $14.81! (Reg. $30)
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