Zaycon Fresh has suspended business operations... we are shocked too! - Freebies2Deals
Crazy Deals / Zaycon Foods

Zaycon Fresh has suspended business operations… we are shocked too!

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Wow… this is the news we just saw on the Zaycon Fresh website. We are as shocked and surprised as you are right now. We know nothing more than this but will be researching and looking and hoping for more answers. We know there are many of you in our deal shopping family that have already paid for upcoming orders. Some of us have hundreds of dollars invested in orders so the frustration is understandable. We’ve even got a chicken breast delivery scheduled for tomorrow. Please like or bookmark this post as we will try to update it when we know more. Hang in there – we’ll figure this out together! 


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  1. I ordered 5 boxes of chicken for September/October delivery. I got a fishy sounding explanation for why my 36 pounds of bacon wouldn’t be delivered tomorrow after a 4 week delay. Sure hope we don’t have to file a class action suit…we won’t get all our money back.

    • It’s so weird. I got a confirmation text saying my delivery for the 26th was right on time, and now this.

  2. I’m a bit sick at my stomach hearing this as I had just ordered a few days ago for Salmon and Bacon. I had pork loin chops coming on the 27th and just got my reminder text today. I have 4 more orders after that…going all the way into November. Feeling quite sick knowing I just paid almost 600 dollars and will probably not get anything in return for my investment. So many people out of so much money. I sure hope they can refund us our money.

    • If you paid with a credit card you should be able to call and dispute the charges

      • How about people give them through the end of the week to see if they refund people’s money.

        • If their site and email was still up and functional I may give them the benefit of the doubt, but since I cannot contact them in anyway I think I will let my bank handle it. 🙁

  3. The way they shut down everything makes it ridiculous to think they are planning to do refunds.

    They shuttered the website, leaving no way to easily see your pending orders with price paid. Thank God for emails. They disconnected their phones, and took down their facebook page.

    If they were planning to deal with this in the proper way they would not have tried to disappear. Contacting the credit card company is the right thing to do.

  4. I have a friend who contacted her credit card company, who is refunding her money.


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