Who needs a little bit of help adding to their savings account? �I try to add to my savings account with every paycheck. �I don�t even stress that much about how much I am adding each time, I just like to make sure something gets added. I know that I sometimes are harder than others depending on what bills have hit and depending on your job, how work has been this week. �If this is one of those weeks that you can use a little creative problem solving in adding to your savings account, check this out.
With these tips, I am going to show you how to add an extra $20 to your savings this week:
- Pack a brown bag lunch. �Skip lunch out this week and pack your own lunch at home. �Easier yet, pack leftovers from dinner each night and that�s it! �Easiest lunch plan there is.
- Be sure to avoid the vending machines too. �Those suckers will take all of your money $1 at a time. �It�s easy to discount these purchases because they are so minor, but let�s say you drink 3 sodas a day. �That�s easily $15 per workweek that you are spending.
- Carpool. �How far is your commute to work? �Why not carpool with a coworker and pitch in half for gas. This is a win-win as you will both save money.
- Go grocery shopping. �In Your Pantry. �That�s right. �Before you head out grocery shopping for whatever you feel like eating, stop and shop your pantry instead. �I bet you have something in there worth eating and you won�t have to go spend money on dinner.
- Stick with the staples. �At least twice a week, make a meal out of old fashioned grocery staples like rice and beans. �You can make an entire meal for your family for just a couple of bucks! �Do this twice a week and you�ll be on the way to big savings.
How close to retirement are you? �Could you use some more money? �$20 may not seem like a lot, but the reality is, you can do a lot with $20 saved each week. �If you are able to put that $20 into an account that nets you a 5% return on investment, you will have over $13,000 in 10 years or over $36,000 in 20 years. �That�s a nice chunk of change to add to your retirement.