
Star Wars Episode 7 Furbacca Furby ONLY $23.99!!

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WOW! RUN over to eBay and snag the Star Wars Episode 7 Furbacca Furby for only $23.99! This is normally an $80 toy, and this is the lowest price I’ve ever seen on one! The lowest it’s ever been on Amazon was $26.94!

The Furbacca would be the perfect gift for Star Wars and Furby fans alike! Or, hang onto it as a collectible! It makes wookiee sounds like Chewbacca, hums Star Wars theme songs, and plays virtual activities. The Furbacca companion app is not required, but it creates an extra level of interactive play. The app takes kids into a Star Wars themed digital world via their mobile device as they explore the galaxy and collect virtual Star Wars Furby Furblings.

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