Tilly's 4th of July Sale Starts Now! Take 50% off Men, Women, and Teen Clothing! - Freebies2Deals
Crazy Deals / Tilly's

Tilly’s 4th of July Sale Starts Now! Take 50% off Men, Women, and Teen Clothing!

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Screen Shot 2016-07-01 at 8.12.19 AMNow through July 4th, Tilly’s is taking 50% off TONS of Men’s, Women’s and Teen items! There is no coupon code needed. �Price in red reflects the discount. We see a lot of deals for little kids, but this is a great deal for the�teenagers.�Screen Shot 2016-07-01 at 8.13.58 AM

Girls Shorts only $11.50! (Reg. $22.99) or Shirts only $6.50 each! (Reg. $17.99)

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Boys Shorts start at only $12.50! (Reg. $24.99)

**Shipping is FREE when you spend $59 or more.�

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