Coupons / Crazy Deals / Grocery Deals / Saving Star

Saving Star: Save 20% Off Any Single Purchase of Grapes!

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freebies2deals-grapesToday is Tuesday which means Saving Star has a new produce coupon out. Today,�they have an offer for 20% off any single purchase of loose Lemons & Limes! (Expires 7/25/2016) These are great to grab and add to your drinks! You can even sliced them up and freeze them to make your drinks cold and add a little bit of flavor.

Never heard of Saving Star?Basically you can�create an account with SavingStar�and download eCoupons onto your Shopper�s Card.� Anytime you purchase those products and use your eCoupons, the same amount will be put into your SavingsCard Account.��You can then redeem those points for things like FREE Gift Cards to Amazon or Paypal.

Here is how to get all set up and ready to go:

  • Create an account on SavingStar
  • Then, add your Shopper�s Card to your account.
  • Browse for Grocery Store eCoupons and add them to your card.
  • At checkout, your purchase total will stay the same and the money is put into your SavingStar Bank.


**Any store that has a shopper�s card can have eCoupons put on them through SavingStar. YAY!� Also, please note that your total WILL NOT change with the eCoupons on your card.� Instead of your grocery total lowering, you will have the same amount put into your account to earn free gift cards instead.

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