Coupons / Staples

Staples “Fill A Bag” Promotion: 20% Off Everything You Can Fit Inside Your FREE Reusable Bag!

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Now through January 30th,�Staples is having their �Fill A Bag� promotion. During this promotion,�Staples will give you a free reusable bag.� Plus, you will get 20% off everything you can fit inside that bag!!

To get this discount in store, simply print and take the 20% off coupon with you. Then, once you are at the store, take your coupon to Customer Service and they will give you your free bag.

This would be a good time to purchase printer ink, or other office supplies you are running low on.

**Fine Print: Not valid on kiosk orders. Discount applies to products that fit within the customer�s Staples EcoEasy bag only. All chairs, furniture and clearance items are included in this promotion. Limit one coupon per customer per day. See coupon for some exclusions.

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