Save up to 30% on Star Wars merchandise including LEGOS at Amazon!
Here are a few items that are available:
- LEGO Star Wars Republic Gunship $8.79 (regularly $11.99)
- LEGO Star Wars Wookie Gunship $55.99 (regularly $69.99)
- LEGO Star Wars Nabo StarFighter $38.92 (regularly $49.99)
- Star Wars The Force Awakens Micro Machines Millennium Falcon Playset $22.50 (regularly $31.99)
Plus, remember if you have Amazon Prime your order will ship free. Or, if your order is $35 or more, it will ship free too! You can sign up to get Amazon Prime here (It’s a FREE 30 day trial), or by signing up for the Amazon Student Program.
**Any of these toys would be perfect for our 2015 Freebies2Deals Secret Santa Project! If it isn’t on your list, consider grabbing it to donate since it is such a great deal. Or buy an extra–one for your Christmas list and one for Secret Santa. Thanks guys!