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PS4 and Xbox One Bundles at Black Friday Prices! Plus, Save up to an additional $50!

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freebies2deals-gamingWow! �Guys, if you have a gaming system on your list and have been waiting for Black Friday prices, check these deals out! Newegg has the following consoles listed below on sale and many match Walmarts Black Friday Prices.

Want to save even more money? If you use Visa Checkout you can take $25 off your $200 purchase. �Also, if you have an American Express, you can get a $25 credit with purchase of $200 at Newegg. �That means you’ll�save $50 on these prices that are very comparable to Black Friday Prices! �Awesome.

Console Bundles on Sale includes:


Here is how you can score this deal:

  1. Enroll your American Express card with the�newegg promotion to get $25 back on $200. (Details here)
  2. Add any of the Consule Bundles (listed above) to your cart.
  3. Use�coupon code �VCOBF15 for Visa Checkout. (Details here)
  4. Click the box to use Visa Checkout when checking out, and link your American Express card from Step 1 to your Visa Checkout account.
  5. Select your shipping method. Super Eggsaver is 4-7 business days for $6.99. �Or, if you have shop runner you can get it for FREE!
  6. Finish your��checkout.
  7. Get an email from Amex stating that you used the offer you signed up for in step 1: “Thanks for using your Amex Offer at NEWEGG.COM.” Then watch for your�$25.00 statement credit, which will automatically be applied to your statement if your purchase meets the offer terms.
  8. **Also you might receive a 1% back American Express offer. �It will auto-creidt on your next statement.


Be sure to read all of the fine print and details before making your purchase!

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  1. This deal does not work. You cannot use the Visa code for $25 off. The reason is since Newegg is giving you 2 free items that cannot be removed from the cart you cannot combine a promo code.

    • UPDATE The deal should now work since the bundled items are no longer included.


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