Deseret Book is offering 24 hour exclusive deals on art work, books, movies, statues and more! Plus, all orders of $19 or more will ship free.
Here are a couple of the awesome deals available now:
Get the Men of Galilee Painting 26×49 by Simon Dewey for 55% off, �making it just $225.00, with promo code ARTCM2. There are only 20 available at this price!
Marble Christus Satue 12″ is on sale for $49.95 (regularly $199.95) A savings of 75%!
The Nativity by Greg Olsen 26×36 $149.00 (regularly $289.00)
Freetown 25% off $14.99
The Cokeville Miracle 25% off $14.99
Once I Was A Beehive 15% off $16.99
Grab this�4-piece Nativity for $4.99! (regularly $12.95)
***Some pieces of art work or other larget purchases will incur an additional shipping free