
Last Day to Enter! 4 People Will Win a Kindle Fire!! Make Sure You Get Entered to Win!

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Kindle Giveaway


This is the time of year when everyone is scouring Pinterest for awesome recipe ideas, fun & easy craft ideas for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. So I knew I wanted to let you know about some of the most-followed bloggers on Pinterest to make the Holiday season a little easier with their tips–and of course, throw in an amazing giveaway too!

And just by following and pinning a few of your favorite posts (which you would want to do anyway, right? 😉 ), you will get entered to win a Kindle Fire!

In fact, 4 Lucky Followers will win a Kindle Fire!  WOO-HOO!


Required Entry #1: Follow all of the following bloggers on Pinterest


Required Entry #2: Re-Pin at least ONE pin of your choice from EACH of the following boards below. (Just one of your favorite pins from each blogger’s board. Easy Peasy!)


Once you have done Required Entry #1 and Required Entry #2,
you can head over here and fill out the entry form.

Extra/Optional Entries: Repeat #2 from above ONCE A DAY and each re-pin counts for one additional entry!  That could be up to 6 extra entries per day!

Giveaway ends on September 14th at 11:59pm MST. Winners will be announced & contacted on September 15th.


**By participating in this contest, you acknowledge that this contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Pinterest and release Pinterest from any and all liability arising from or related to this contest. The information you are providing for this contest is being provided to Freebies2Deals and not to Pinterest, and will be used to notify you if you have won. This contest is only open to those who are 18 years of age or older and who live in the United States or Canada. 

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  1. I seem to be either doing something wrong, or misreading.. I’ve pinned at least one thing from all of the listed boards three separate days, and I am following all of the accounts.. yet it says I only have 12 entries? I thought if you repin something different every day it counted as a new entry, meaning I should have far more than 12. If I misunderstood, I apologize! I’m thankful for the opportunity for a chance to win, regardless! Thanks!

    • Hey Jessica, you are doing it right. You do get extra entries but that form doesn’t track them. We have to do it manually. So I will be doing that this morning to pull entries and give extra entries to those who did that. 🙂


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