Here are the top deals this week for Safeway in the Arizona region! I only post the �BEST� Deals each week in this matchup on purpose. If it was featured in the ad and it isn�t listed below, I just didn�t think it was that good of a price to share. So try not to purchase items that aren�t listed below-unless you can�t wait for a better sale. Any items listed in RED are items you might want to consider Stocking Up on!
**$5.00 off when you make a $50 purchase in-ad coupon**
Minimum $50.00 Purchase, Excludes purchases of: Liquor, Tobacco, U.S. Postage Stamps,Bus/Commuter Passes, Fish/Game Licenses, Ski Tickets, Lottery Tickets, Gift Cards, Gift Certificates, and all Pharmacy Prescription purchases, Fuel Purchases, Fluid Milk, Safeway Club Card Savings, Safeway Store Coupons and Sales Tax. COUPON CANNOT BE DOUBLED OR COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER.
Coupon effective 6/17/15-6/23/15
Kellogg’s Cereal,�10.5 to 18.7-oz $1.99
Use the $1.00 off 1 Kellogg’s Cereal Printable Coupon (must redeem 850 points to access coupon)
or the�$1 off 3 Kellogg’s Cereal Printable Coupon
or the $0.50 off 1 Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes Printable Coupon
or use the $1.00 off 2 Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Cereal Printable Coupon
or use the $1.00 off 2 Kellogg’s Corn Flakes Cereal Printable Coupon
Total cost $0.99
New Crop Red and Green Seedless Grapes $1.99/lb
Red Ripe Raspberries 6 oz $0.97
Use the $0.50 off 1 Driscoll’s Berries Printable Coupon�(must register)
You pay $0.47, but submit for the $0.25 Checkout 51 Raspberry Rebate
Total cost $0.22
Pantry Essentials Milk 1-gal $1.99
Coca-Cola�12-pack, 12-oz. cans or 8-pack, 12-oz. bottles 4/$10.00 (with $25 purchase)
refreshe Water�24-pack, 16.9-oz $2.22
Safeway Farms Fresh Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs, Bone in $1.69/lb
Green Zucchini or Yellow Squash $0.99/lb
Open Nature Greek Yogurt 5.3 oz $0.88
Powerade Sports Drink 32 oz $0.69
Nabisco Ritz Crackers 6 to 13.7 oz $1.99 (with in-ad coupon)
Use the $1.00 off 1 Nabisco Cookies or Crackers Printable Coupon
Total cost $0.99
refreshe Flavored Sparkling Water 1 liter $1.00
Balance Bar $0.99�
Use the $1.00 off 3 Balance Bars Printable Coupon
Total cost $1.97 when you buy 3, or $0.66 each
Clorox Pump’N Clean Cleaner 12 to 30 oz $3.00
Use the $1.00 off 2 Clorox Products Printable Coupon
You pay $2.50, but submit for the $1.00 Snap by Groupon Clorox Pump’N Clean Rebate�and the $1.00 off 1 Checkout 51 Clorox Pump’N Clean Rebate
Total cost $0.50�
Gladware Containers $3.00
Use the $1.00 off 1 Glad Food Protection item from the 05-03-15 SS
You pay $2.00, but submit for the $1.00 ibotta Glad Food Protection Item Rebate and the $1.00 MobiSave Glad Containers Rebate
Total cost FREE
Hefty Foam Plates or Bowls $1.49 (with in-ad coupon)
Use the $1.00 off 2 Hefty Foam Products from the 05-17-15 RP
or use the $1.00 off 2 Hefty Foam Plates or Bowls Printable Coupon�
Total cost $1.98 when you buy 2 or $0.99 each
Ragu Pasta Sauce $1.19 (with in-ad coupon)
You pay $1.19, but submit for the $0.50 ibotta Ragu Pasta Sauce Rebate and the $0.35 MobiSave Ragu Pasta Sauce Rebate
Total cost $0.34
Barilla Pasta 12 to 16 oz $1.25
Use the $0.75 off 1 Barilla Pasta Printable Coupon (use zip code 75201)
You pay $0.50, but submit for the $0.50 MobiSave Barilla Pasta Rebate
Total cost FREE
Dr. Pepper�12-Pack, 12-oz. cans $2.50
You pay $2.50, but submit for the $1.00 Mobisave Dr. Pepper Rebate
Total cost $1.50
Tide Laundry Detergent Liquid�46 to 50-oz or Powder 42-oz $5.00
Use the $3.00 off 2�Tide Detergent, Downy, or Tide Washing Machine Cleaner from the 05-31-15 PG
or use the $1.00 off 1 Tide Detergent Coupon from the 05-31-15 PG
or use the $1.00 off 1 Tide Liquid or Powder Detergent from the 06-14-15 RP
or use the $1.00 off 1 Tide Detergent Printable Coupon
Total cost $7.00 when you buy 2 or $3.50 each
Banana Boat Sun Care $5.00
Use the $4.00 off 2 Banana Boat Sun Care Products Printable Coupon
or use the�$3.00 off 2 Banana Boat Sun Care Product from the 05-17-15 RP
or use the $1.00 off 1 Banana Boat Sun Care Products Printable Coupon
or use the $1.00 off 1 Banana Boat Sun Care Printable Coupon
or use the $1.00 off 1 Banana Boat Sun Care Product from the 05-17-15 RP
Total cost $6.00 when you buy 2 or $3.00 each�
**If you are new to couponing, you will notice some abbreviations next to certain coupons. SS stands for Smart Source, RP stands for Red Plum, PG stands for Proctor & Gamble, MS stands for Moments to Save and GM stands for General Mills. All are coupons you can find in your Sunday Newspaper.**