Are you looking for LEGO sets? Toys R Us takes 20% off ALL Duplo and other LEGO sets as part of their Cyber Monday Deals! Plus, ALL LEGO sets will ship FREE!
There are a lot of different sets included. Plus, getting the FREE shipping is awesome, you won’t have to leave your home!
***LEGOs are specifically mentioned for the Freebies2Deals Secret Santa Project! If LEGOs aren’t on your shopping list, consider grabbing one to donate since these are all such great deals. Or buy an extra–one for your Christmas list and one for Secret Santa. Thanks guys!
Lori Olsen
I’m trying to purchase some Legos and the sale price is listed. Once I add to my cart, the price jumps back up to the original price on some items. Is any one else experiencing this?
Great! I just ordered some minifigures for $2.99 each with free shipping. Thanks so much!