Wow! Right now you can grab the game Candy Land for only $.51 at Target! You’re not going to want to wait to grab this deal though cause they’ll run out fast! Here’s what you need to do:
Purchase 2 Candy Land games for $4.79
One will be 50% off with the buy 1 get 1 50% off sale
Use the 30% off cartwheel coupon offer
Plus use 2 of the $2.00 off 1 Chutes & Ladders Coupon from the 11/9/14 SS
Total cost $1.03 or just $.51 each!
**Please keep in mind that pricing and selection may vary by store. Definitely worth checking out though!
**This item is one of the things we need for the�Freebies2Deals Secret Santa Project! �If it isn�t on your list, consider grabbing it to donate since it is such a great deal. �Or buy an extra�one for your Christmas list and one for Secret Santa. Thanks guys!
(Thanks Super Coupon Lady)
Emilee Reynolds
Do you have the link to the 11/9/14 SS coupon?