If you are looking for a train set, here is a great option! �Bargain Outfitters has the �Deluxe 80-Piece Wooden Train Set AND�Table for only $69.99! � Plus, use coupon code BH495�to cut shipping to $5.00. �Your total should be $74.99 shipped!
This train set includes:
- 14 building parts
- 2 farm houses
- 3 trains
- 3 animals
- 3 vehicles
- 5 smiling townspeople
- 10 trees
- 6 street signs
- 1 large tunnel
- 30 railway tracks
- 1 bridge with 2 supports
- Built-in handles for easy mobility
- White finish
**Want to save even more?? Shop through Ebates and get 3.5% Cash Back on your order. If you want to learn more about Ebates and how it works, you can check out my previous post here. It rocks!
Boys seem to love these train sets. Great deal!
ThaNk you thank you!!!!
Nancy H
This is a great offer. We have one and our kids (8, 4, and 1) all love playing with it.
This is awesome. Looking at train tables for the boys this year.
Chelise Larsen
My 2 year old LOVES trains! This will be perfect for him. Thanks!
This is a good price paid more for one last year.
preetika rao
Such an amazing deal..My son will love it..Thanks soo much for your hardwork..
This is a great price! Definitely considering it! Thank you!
Love this. Our 3 year old has one in his room. Definitely a good investment!
Our train table like this one has lasted for years with three children enjoying it. Great investment for boys or girls.
Good to read the reviews here!
We’ve had a table similar to this for about 7 years now and it had been through all my kids and they still love it!
Kirsten Meyers
great deal, my son loves trains
Jana Sohm
This has been on my list for years for my boys!
Do the trains fit with the brio trains?
We got my 2 year old a train set last year for Christmas. BEST GIFT EVER!!!
Read the fine print. It says the outer carton is damaged.
Thanks for the great deal and don’t forget to go through ebates. I love ebates!
LIndsay Kaeding
I have been looking for one of these! Great Price.
My kids love this. Very durable and sturdy for rough little boy play!
Kimi Wegener
I have been keeping my eye out for a train table for my son! Thank you for posting all of these great deals. It really helps out a ton!
My boys are going to be so excited!! THanks!!!
My son would totally go nuts for this!!! Thanks for sharing!! We love anything that moves (trains, cars, etc)!
Kami Holbrook
Such a great deal! We have a similar one that gets played with all the time.
Great find! We have one that my kids have enjoyed!
I’ve got a friend searching – about to pass it on!
Heather C.
This is a great deal. I’ve been looking for a train table to use for my daughter’s Calico Critters.
Lindsey M
I’ve been searching all over the Internet to see if there were reviews on this table or to see if it would fit the Thomas trains, brio, etc but I can’t fine anything!
it looks like it would but don’t know for sure. Do you know if anyone that has purchased this that would know?
My friend just told me about your site and I’m so sad I missed this deal
I really want a train table for my little for Christmas. If you find any more good deals please pass them on!