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Walmart Announcement: Starting to Price Match ONLINE Prices!!

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Heads up!  Looks like supermarket giant, Walmart, is actually going to start Price Matching online prices!  Target has been doing this for awhile.  But Walmart has rolled out Price Matching in select cities as a test: Atlanta, Charlotte, Dallas, Phoenix and Northwest Arkansas.

If you live in one of these states, make sure you print out a copy of this page in case you run into issues.  And since they don’t really have set guidelines or a policy on it yet, there is definitely going to be a learning curve.  But if you live in one of those states it is definitely going to be awesome for you to Price Match online prices!

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  1. I am hoping that they will price match themselves someday. I get so frustrated when the price is one thing online at and another in the store.

  2. meh… I’ll stick to target.

  3. I don’t live in the test areas but, I, like Shauna have a “beef” w/ Wal-Mart too.

    I wish they’d “join the bandwagon” & list ALL of their prices on-line. I take advantage of their AD MATCH program & search via websites to find the best deal. Many a times, it says “priced per store”. OK, well then, let me pick my Wal-Mart store & have the price there. But, they don’t do that. I also have noticed that a lot of the prices they have on the shelf aren’t the same when you go to pay. For that reason, now I try to remember when shopping to jot the price & the matching barcode. However, this glitch won’t detour me from shopping there for, as a rule, they do have the lowest prices.

  4. This has been awesome. Every receipt I’ve input, I’ve gotten something back. Not a ton, but I already have more than $13 back and don’t go there all that often!


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