Christmas Deals / Crazy Deals / Mattel

RUN! $5 Barbie Dolls and $5 Disney Princess Dolls! BETTER THAN BLACK FRIDAY PRICE

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5 dolls

HURRY! Right now on Mattel’s website, you can score a bunch of different Barbie Dolls and Disney Princess Dolls for only $5!  (Reg $10-$11)

Why am I telling you to run?  Because these are SUPER cheap prices for these dolls and will definitely be a great Christmas gift to purchase early.  $5 Barbie Dolls and Disney Princess Dolls are the types of deals you only see on Black Friday… and some of these are actually BETTER than Black Friday prices we typically see.

Just to give you an idea, I am seeing Cinderella, Merida, Rapunzel and a ton of different Barbie dolls to choose from.

Shipping is free on any $25 or more purchase.  So either purchase 5 dolls, combine a doll purchase with another toy purchase on Mattel or go in on an order with friends.


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  1. They are already out of several of the dolls. Bummer

  2. Thanks…..not all available but I got 5 for gifts….

  3. The only barbies I am seeing is one cinderella one but other than that they are all still regular price. Did I miss ALL the barbies?

    • Yeah, they are going SUPER fast. The deal went viral and has been shared a bunch of times. There were about 8 dolls total that were $5. If you click on the link in my post.. anything on those two pages is $5. So if they aren’t there, or are sold out now, then they are gone. ðŸ™

  4. Amazon has them for a pretty decent price. Around 7.00 plus if you have prime you do not have to pay shipping. Worth looking there if you missed these.

  5. It sounds like they r all gone but how about black dolls ?. My husband and I donate many toys at Christmas.
    Thanks for all the great deals.



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