Grocery Deals

IMPORTANT: Things are Changing….

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There are some changes coming to Freebies2Deals, starting this week!  But, they are good changes and I think they will be better for all of us and make getting and finding deals SO much easier!

1- Grocery Deal Matchups on Freebies2Deals will be changing starting as early as tomorrow.  The wording will be a little different.  But I will also post EVERY single coupon (printable or paper) that is available for each and every deal. I will also have a BEST Deals post for each grocery store and I will have a FULL Weekly Deals post for each grocery store.  (However, at any time you can see the BEST deals by looking for the Yellow Stars.)  So you can decide which list you want to look at, or look at them both!

2- On top of that… ever wonder which store has the BEST price on Butter that week??  Or maybe you are totally out of cereal and want the best price??  There is now a Grocery Deals Search Tool that will tell you which stores in your area have that item in their weekly ad.  You will be able to tell which store has it the cheapest that week!  And even if it isn’t a super cheap price, saving any money you can on items you have to have that week will make a difference.

3- And as a last final surprise….. in about a week, we will also have our own Coupon Database!!  That means you can search that Coupon Database at any time to see if there are any coupons for a particular item.  Some will be printable that you can use right away and some will be located in the Sunday Newspaper Coupon Inserts. I know a lot of you have asked for that feature for awhile.  So I’m excited it will be here VERY SOON!

4- These new Grocery Deal Lists will also be attached to Favado!  If you haven’t heard of it, you can create a FREE Favado account and then download the FREE Favado App.  That way, you can create your grocery lists using our NEW Grocery Deal Matchups on Freebies2Deals.  Then when you head to the store, pull up your Favado App and log in. Everything you saved on Freebies2Deals will be there and you can use your shopping list in-store right off your phone!  Cool, right??

To make this all super easy, I’ve put together a FAQ for all of you.  So if you have any questions using the new Grocery Lists, you can get all of your answers here.

Hope you guys are excited for this change!  And although changes can be hard sometimes, I really think that these added features will make grocery deal shopping SO much easier for all of us!








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  1. The new Grocery Deals Search Tool sounds SO wonderful! Thank you for all that you do, your hard work is a blessing to my family!

  2. Yay! they sound like awesome changes!!

  3. This sounds awesome!! I am so excited for the extra help to make my life a bit simpler. Thanks for all you do!!

  4. Ooo this is exciting! I’m most excited about the best deal on ________ search option! Amazing! I hope there are things like toilet paper, Coke/Pepsi 12 packs, milk, fruit snacks, and canned soups on there. Thanks Melea! This is great!

  5. This is exactly what I have needed. Thanks so much for all the time and hard work you put into this, Melea. I can hardly wait!!!

  6. These seem like great tools. Thanks for creating them. Can’t wait to use them!

  7. Love the best price search!! Where is the Link on the mail page?

    • Just click on “Store Deals” and then local deals… At the top of the page with all of the Grocery Deals you can search there at any time.

  8. I NEED CEREAL!! I was just telling my husband this morning that I might have to pay full price if I don’t find a sale. GRRRRR!! I am excited for the new changes!

  9. So excited for the Grocery Deals search tool! Woo hoo!!

  10. Thanks Melea! You and F2Deals have really gone above & beyond with great ideas to help bring us the best deals out there! Thanks for all you do! This is will be awesome – can’t wait to try it out!

  11. I’ve been very disappointed with Favado for Utah stores. They never update and when they do, they are totally off and don’t match the ad at all!! One week they were showing that a Mega Event was on, when really it wasn’t. :(. If you use Favado for Utah stores, be careful.

    • Hey Sara, I will be doing Macey’s inside Favado. And if you ever have issues with Favado stores that are Utah Based, definitely let me know so I can pass the word on. I want all of the Utah stores they are using to work for people… and although I might not be contributing the deals from that store, I do have contact to those in charge of Favado. Thanks!

  12. Yay! This is so cool and very exciting! Thanks so much for doing this!

  13. Sounds so very exciting. Anxious to see it. I always welcome change.

  14. Thank you so much! This website makes my life so much easier!

  15. Awesome changes! Thanks for all you do!

  16. O i am so exctied! Thank you for all you do!!!!

  17. These changes sound awesome! I was wondering, is there a way to collapse the feed of a particular story that I may not want to read? It may be because I don’t have the time now, or I don’t shop at that particular store. It would make scrolling through the deals a lot easier if I could collapse down the Walgreens post of deals, for example. I don’t know if that makes sense. It’s just a thought. Thanks again for all you do. 🙂

    • With this new change, you will only see the BEST deals post in your feed. If you want to see all of the deals, you can click on a link to be taken elsewhere. So that should help with less long posts showing up. 🙂

      • I was just thinking the same thing as Bethany. I’m excited for these changes, will the stores include Costco prices? I’ve always been curious how they compare. Thanks so much for helping us simplify our lives!

        • In definitely working on Costco! Hope to have it soon 🙂

          • Thanks Melea, that would be great!

  18. Very cool! Love these changes! 🙂

  19. So, so excited about change #2!!! A search tool sounds awesome!

  20. Thanks you for all your hard work. This site has been such a help to me and my family. Looking forward to the new search tool!

  21. So excited!!! These are awesome changes!!

  22. There are going to retailers who will have a love/hate relationship with you. Of course, all your followers will only love you! Looking forward to saving even more moolah!

  23. Sounds AWESOME!!! Thanks to you and your team for making my life easier!!!

  24. Can’t wait! Thanks!

  25. Thanks so much Melea for all of this!! I am sure it has been a lot of hard work!! I know I am grateful for the ability to soon be able to have all of these great coupon & money-saving features!!
    Thanks again!

  26. This sounds like a great new way to see the deals. Thank you for putting this all together!

  27. These changes sound great! Thanks for always improving!

  28. Thank you!

  29. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. You are so generous with your time and hard work.

  30. Wow you have been busy! Thank you so much for all you do.

  31. This sounds fabulous! Thank you

  32. I’ve been waiting for that grocery deal search tool to come into my life! Seriously have always thought there must be one somewhere out there because it’s such a great idea. YAY!!

  33. Can we access the tools without the app? That became more unclear to me as the post went on. I don’t know the bottom line for why the other UT coupon guru I used to use had to stop her tools which were pretty much these exact ones–seriously amazing tools for deal seekers–but I assume it was cost, so I get it if these tools are only possible if you get us to give them numbers.

    • Yep, you can totally just use the online site without the app. Just create your shopping list on the Freebies2Deals site. You can email it to yourself or print out your shopping list instead. So you don’t have to use the app. 🙂

  34. Thanks Melea!! Are you going to add organic and non gmo items, that would be awesome!!


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