Crazy Deals / Grocery Deals / Zaycon Foods

Zaycon Foods All Natural Chicken Breast Sale! $1.89/lb!

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Don’t forget about this sale!

This sale is one everyone will definitely want to do!��Zaycon Foods has started their Chicken Breast Sale.� And, you can get Chicken Breast for $1.89 per pound.� That is a great price by itself..�but Zaycon�s Chicken is 100 % natural chicken with no added hormones, additives or artificial ingredients.� All Natural Chicken is SO expensive!! I�ll definitely be stocking up on this sale!

The Chicken Breasts come in 40 lb boxes. So it will end up being $73.60.� And, you can order multiple boxes if you have room to freeze them.

Most orders need to be placed before October 17th�� or before they sell out of stock for your delivery area.� And, when you go to order, they will tell you what day and time in October you can pick up your order.� Quick note: These guys do sell out of their Chicken Breasts.� So, I wouldn�t wait too long to order.

**If you don�t want all 40 lbs, you might want to go in on this deal with a few friends. It�s too good to pass up!

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  1. It is a little too late for this currently, but if you watch for these deals next time it is awesome.. I bought the ground beef package, we keep a small freezer just for Zaycon meats.

    Congratulations! You have purchased 1 case of ground beef in our Summer 2014 sale. This entitles you to 1 case of boneless, skinless chicken breast at $1.49/lb in our Fall 2014 sale! This offer is not transferable.

  2. interested in your deals

  3. How often do they have a chicken breast sell? I’m debating about ordering half, to go in with my mom, or a whole 40lbs. Is it already too late to order for October?

    • They usually do this sale twice a year. Each area will sell out at different times so you will need to check with your area pickup listed and see if there is more information there for you.

  4. How are these frozen? Are they all together or is it easy to pull out just a couple at a time? Thanks!!

    • Kelly- I’ve ordered before and it comes in a huge box, not frozen. You have to bag it all up into whatever portions you want into zip locks and feeze it. I debate on doing it again because it was such a huge mess with chicken juices everywhere!!! I had a huge cardboard box full of chicken juice and it was hard to dispose of. Maybe there is a better way or others have had success with the mess???

      • We’ve bought Zaycon several times now and have a system that works for us. We make up foodsaver bags before we get the chicken then after pick-up we put each joined breast in a bag. At the end normally the juices have pretty much stayed in the bag it came in and we can pour that down the drain before disposing of it and the box. Hope that might help some 🙂

  5. I’m having a hard time visualizing how big a 40 lb box would be…anyone have approx dimensions? I’d obviously bag and freeze it but just looking for a general idea. Thanks!

    • Never mind, found it on their website. But I can’t see how to delete this comment…sorry!

  6. I have bought this a few times before and the chicken breasts were huge. That’s not natural. Also, the chicken was rubbery tasting. Maybe I was just the unlucky one, but I won’t be ordering it again.


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