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HUGE Announcement! …..And I’m Gonna Need Your Help!

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money saving conference

I am SO EXCITED to share this fun announcement with all of you!  In past years, I have held coupon conferences to help everyone learn how to coupon, put on a fun event and just have a chance to all get together.  Well, myself and Jordan from FunCheaporFree have decided to join forces and throw the biggest, craziest and most fun money-saving/frugal conference EVER!!  She’s done her own Frugal Bootcamps in the past. And since we have so many similar ideas when it comes to saving money, why not combine our energy and love for being smart with your finances and make it one big event instead??


Here’s the issue…. we have been trying and failing to come up with an awesome name for our conference.  Nothing seems to be like, “Ta-Da!!” , you know??  Since you guys have such awesome ideas, we thought we would reach out to you guys to see if you could help us come up with a name for our money-saving, frugal living, live your best life type conference!

Aside from big virtual hugs from us, the winning idea gets $50 cash AND 2 free tickets to the conference as a thank you from us! So really, you’d be crazy not to submit at least something!

We would LOVE it if you could help us out!  Take 15 seconds and give us your ideas HERE on what we should call the conference. To get you excited about the conference and  get the creative wheels turning, here is some more info:

  • It’s a full-day conference that will be held here in Utah in January 2015 (Don’t worry, we will also be offering it online for those who can’t make it).
  • The conference will be full of keynote speakers, classes, and hands-on workshops about anything and everything regarding stretching your dollar, frugal beauty/fashion, DIY, finance (in real-people language), parenting and relationships, managing your money, and living/having/doing/being more.
  • Classes will be taught by both Jordan and myself, as well as your favorite bloggers and financial experts throughout Utah.
  • We want this conference to be fun, inspiring, life-changing and get you the information you need to really change your life for better… forever!

As a side note,  we want to do a huge family part the night before as a kickoff!  There will be dancing, music, food entertainment, games…… We would love your opinion on this as well.  Is it something you would be interested in doing?  If so, leave a comment below, or mention it while you are filling out the form.

Please submit your ideas HERE.  Or you can enter it in the form at the bottom of this post.  Just make sure you do so by Thursday, May 8th at Midnight.  The winner will be announced soon after!  Make sure you hit the SUBMIT button when you are done filling out the form. 

Thank you SO much for your help!  XOXO– Melea and Jordan

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  1. This is so exciting! I can’t wait.

  2. In regards to the event the night before as a kickoff, my husband owns a catering business called Cast Iron Catering. They specialize in dutch oven cooking, and he would be interested in catering the event! The website is You can get the contact information there. The signature dinner is dutch oven ribs, chicken, beans, potatoes, and for dessert peach cobbler! It is delicious and would be perfect for this type of event!

    • Ohh good idea that would be super family friendly!

  3. Inspiring!

  4. Sounds great and the night before event sounds like a blast!

  5. I left my ideas! Sounds awesome!


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