Springtime is almost here and you are gonna need to have a trampoline to have some fun! �Like we have done in the past, we are going to do another SUPER FUN trampoline giveaway! �Hope you are ready because this giveaway will only last for 24 hours….
TWO Freebies2Deals Readers will win a 14 Foot Trampoline with Enclosure!
To Enter:
Required Entry:�Make sure you are signed up for Freebies2Deals Email Updates�and confirm your subscription. (If you already get F2D Email Updates, that counts!)
Extra/Optional Entry #1:�Head to the Trampoline Giveaway Post on the Freebies2Deals Facebook Page�and �share� it with all of your Friends.� Make sure you use the �Share� link right underneath the post, or I won�t be able to track your entry.��Since we are giving away TWO Trampolines, you and your friend could both could win!
Extra/Optional Entry #2:�Add the�Freebies2Deals Android App or iPhone App to your Phone.
Extra/Optional Entry #3: Follow me on Pinterest.�I do pin a lot of helpful money-saving info on my Pinterest page. And I re-pin a lot of other fun ideas that aren�t necessarily money-saving. �I will be doing more and more on Pinterest in the coming months. �So�I would LOVE you to follow me�and join in on the fun!
Extra/Optional Entry #4: Follow me on Instagram.�This one is kind fun because you get to see into the behind-the-scenes of what happens with Freebies2Deals and my family. �This is split between deals I see when I am out and about and personal pics from my family. �You will also get to see deals that I don’t post on the website. So if you want a heads up about unadvertised deals and a dose of my crazy personal life, be sure to follow me at�@Freebies2Deals!
Once you have done all of the entries you wish,�
Head over to�THIS Giveaway Entry Form and Get Entered!
Giveaway Winners will be announced TOMORROW, Saturday March 15th at 12pm MST.�Winners will only have 24 HOURS to claim this prize this time as the Trampoline needs to be ordered before the weekend is up. So�make�sure you check your emails,�Freebies2Deals, or even the Facebook page for the announcement that you won!�(The entry form will close at 11:00am MST so I can draw winners.)�Winners will be posted on Freebies2Deals.com, the F2D Facebook Page, linked on Twitter and sent out in the F2D Email Updates.
**No email entries or comments for entries.�Only one entry per person. All Duplicate entries will be deleted. All entries will be verified before the winner is chosen. �If you are chosen as a winner and you did not do the entry you won with, another winner will be chosen in your place.
This is so fun!! Yay! Thanks for the chance!!
Thanks for the opportunity!
my kids will love this!tk
Kyli Nail
So excited! Thank you!
Yay! This would be awesome! My kiddos would love it! Thank you for the giveaways you do!
THANK you! Love your giveaways
This is so awesome! Really hoping today is my day! Our swing set is broken so my kids have nothing to play with outside!! (except the dirt, and what mom loves her kids to play in that?!)
Jana Sohm
so fun!!
I’d love this! Thanks for all your giveaways!
heather beardall
Already signed up for your email.
What a great giveaway!
Brittney Proctor
The kids would be so excited!! I’ve been to cheap to buy them one lol
My kids would be in heaven! (And so would I since they currently use my bed to jump, and I shake all the crumbs off every night) What a fun giveaway, thanks Melea!
Whitney D
I am SOOO excited for this!! I shared it with all my family and friends!
Melissa Thornton
I so want this for my little girls!!!!
Jennifer Angelotta
Thanks so much for the giveaway! Would love to win one for my son!
Sarah Searle
Yeah, this is a fun one. My kiddos really want a trampoline, they would be so excited!
Jessica Olson
My son would love this!! I did all the entries! Hoping I win! Thanks for doing these awesome giveaways!
Clarissa Ragar
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Jennifer Paulsen
Yeah! I hope you pick me!
sulieti takai
Love your prizes..
sulieti takai
thank you for the chance to win a free trampoline I have 5 grandkids and sure could use it…
So perfect! Thank you!
Angelena Kolmel
Awesome!! You are great!
This is so awesome!! Thanks so much for the giveaway, i am SUPER excited for this one!! This would be amazing to win!!
amanda medina
I would love to win this for my twins
We would love to win a trampoline!
Natasha Li
I hope I win! Thank you !
tracy brady
My boys would be in heaven!!
My kids would love this … our backyard is currently empty.
Katie R.
This would be so amazing! Thanks for the giveaway!
Destainy L
I just signed up for email updates! And shared on Facebook!!
I have never won on facebook so maybe I will get lucky!
This is a great give away!! Thanks ;D
I would love this for my kids since I can’t afford to buy this at this time I just had my newborn
Jeanie Westover
I never win any of your give a ways but I still like to enter them. I am still a winner with all the money I save by reading your book and following your web site . You have such great deals! thanks so much!!!
What a fun giveaway
Good stuff!
My boys would love this!! I hope I win
Thanks for this awesome giveaway! Will you also look at adding a Windows phone app? My hubby is a Windows phone programmer if you need someone…. Thanks!
This would make me the favorite grandma!
What an awesome giveaway!!! We would love it! Thanks for doing these!
omg- yes- I get your emails at tcogbill at live dot com
omg- I used to enter giveaways all the time- but they have gotten so big- I haven’t eentered in probably over a year- but this caught my eye- with 3 kids would love to play in our backyard- I cant resist- please- I hope its me.
thanks for the chance
tcogbill at live dot com
You always have awesome giveaways! Thanks for the chance!
Awesome giveaway!! Wish everyone could get one
Nichole O
My kids would love this!! They are definitely outside kids, but we don’t have much out there for them to play with.
You are the best! Thanks for all you do!
Rebecca Havey
Yay! How cool would this be?
Marie Buchanan
This would make for a super fun summer!
My kids would love this! They have a mini one and they can only jump one at a time.
Tried to fill out the entry form and it won’t let me
Randi Young
I get your email and am so excited you are doing this!
If I win the whole fam is sleeping on the tramp..when it gets warmer of course. Here’s to wishing!
Just a fun way to keep my girls more active
My kids need something to do this summer:)
I want this for my little girl!!
LA Jones
Sorry, I feel like an old fuddy-duddy on some of this stuff. I can’t figure out Instagram and the phone app, lol. BUT, I’m excited for the opportunity to enter in the other ways, lol. Thanks!!
Our trampoline blew away just a few weeks after buying it and got all mangled! My kids and I would be thrilled if we won this giveaway! How fun!!!!
Sindy Murray
great for summer, good luck to everyone entering!
I did them all. We need a trampoline. Thanks!
Ah this would be so much fun!
Jess Chadwick
How awesome is this!! Thanks for all the work you put into this site, I can’t even tell you how nice it was to have all my Christmas shopping done before December last year. I SAVED SO MUCH THANKS TO YOU!!!
lisa w
I’ve followed you for years – I need this sooooooooo bad!!! My 2 1/2 year old has way too much energy!!! Perfect for spring/summer!!! Please!!!
lisa w
P.s. did all the enter options and have told many friends about you!
Cindy TEichert
Just entered! Thanks for all the good deals you share! Hope I win!
The entry form won’t accept my entry. It says my address is not entered, but it is.
Brenda Suckow
Thanks for the trampoline give away. Love it!
Got it!
Cool giveaway! I’m a brand new follower. I’m just looking around and I love your site.
Oh, my boys would love this!!
Christalene viselli
Soo excited
Chrissa Prestriedge
Thank you
Ruth nielsen
Signed up of or emails, share post liked, thanks
Ruth nielsen
That should read signed up for emails
Stephanie Stremmel
Completed everything but Instagram since I do not have one! Thanks for the opportunity!
Molly Kelly
This would be perfect for our new yard!
This is a super giveaway! My boys so badly want one now that one of the neighbors bought one for their kids, an ideal way to keep them in our yard instead of theirs
This would be so awesome!
Ali W
My Kids would love this!
Kendra B.
Awesome! Oh what happy children I would have:) And a happy mom! Signed up for emails, now following on pinterest, and shared a link on facebook. 3 chances to win I hope!!!
Melanie stoker
Oh my, oh my… This rocks! I totally hope we win. I get emails and of course follow you on Pinterest and ig:). This giveaway rocks!!! melstoker{at}msn{dot}com
What a great thing you are doing here. Oh how my kids would love to have a trampoline!
Elizabeth B.
Awesome! I would love to take this on my next mission trip to Mexico. I know the kids would love this. Thanks for the giveaway
Jackie N
Awesome Give away!!! My kids would love this. Thanks for the chance Freebies2deals. So fun.
jeanette n
great giveaway!
So very much hoping for this one! My kids have been begging for a trampoline for 2 years! I have entered so many of your give a ways and am hoping this is finally the one!! Thanks so much for all you do!
Anne Jensen
My kids would be so excited if they won this. We just had a big gust of wind tonight and their trampoline flew into our neighbors yard, it is mangled.
Poor kids cried and cried… They loved that trampoline. When they got home from school they would go directly to their trampoline for the rest of the day, only stopping for dinner and bedtime. They are going yo be so lost until we get a new one.
I check you blog daily and have got so many good deals because of it. Thank you so much! I was actually coming on tonight to see if you had any deals up for trampolines! This would be an amazing deal!!
Thanks. I am subscribed.
Whitney S.
I signed up for updates via email!
Cindy P
Love this thsnks
So fun! Thanks for all the amazing deals you post!
Amanda G
Anxiously awaiting the announcement today. I ADORE your site. Thanks for your amazing generosity with these awesome give aways. My little monkeys have been going through gymnastics withdrawals since we moved. This would be a perfect solution for their need to bounce, tumble and other things to drive their mom crazy when they attempt to do them indoors.
Kathy Yeates
Already signed up for updates. Love the site.