FREE 40 Count of Hyland's Baby Teething Tablets At 11:00 AM MST! (First 2,000) - Freebies2Deals
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FREE 40 Count of Hyland’s Baby Teething Tablets At 11:00 AM MST! (First 2,000)

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Heads up! At 11:00 am MST today, February 28th, Hyland’s will be giving out 2,000 FREE bottles of 40 count Hyland’s Teething Tablets!�

I am sure these will go FAST! If you want to score this freebie, make sure to be ready right at 11:00 am!

(Thanks Deal Finding Family)�

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  1. Got them – thanks!

  2. thanks, got one

  3. got it!!!! YAY! absolutely love these

  4. Got one.. thank you!

  5. All gone!

  6. I’m not sure how safe these are. My sister had a scary experience with not being able to wake her baby up after giving her these. I’m not sure about all of the facts but in doing some research online the FDA has not approved these. “The FDA has not evaluated Hyland’s Teething Tablets for safety or efficacy, and is not aware of any proven clinical benefit offered by the product.” I don’t know for sure if they are safe or not, but my baby just got his first tooth and I’m definitely not using them. I realize I am more on the paranoid side when it comes to my baby, but I just wanted to put this information out there. 🙂

    • As the parents you are the only ones that get to decide if you want to give something to your child, but with that being said I will tell you that you shouldn’t be afraid of these. Hyland products are homeopathic. A homeopathic is basically just the essence of a certain herb or flower or any naturally occurring substance. That’s why the FDA has not evaluated them, there are no drugs in them so they fall outside the FDA jurisdiction. Most medical professionals I know will laugh at the thought of a homeopathic actually working because according to common thought there is nothing in them that will do any good let alone any harm. I say they can go ahead and laugh, but if it makes my baby feel better (which these always do) then I am going to use them.

      • Yes it is homeopathic, and yes it does contain the natural ingredient Belladonna. Belladonna, also know as Deadly Nightshade, is a plant whose leaves and berries are extremely toxic, naturally. Symptoms of poisoning include: fast heart rate, increased body temperature, dry skin and dry mouth, skin flushing, constipation, decreased urination, agitation, disorientation, hallucinations, and dilated pupils. Drowsiness may also be seen in infants. And since these are not a drug and therefore not regulated by the FDA, there can be varying amounts of Belladonna in each tablet. If it’s going to make my baby feel better, but risk poisoning him, naturally or not, then I’m not going to use them. I got this information from Just wanted to alert parents so they could be aware of something that I wasn’t. You can never be too careful when it comes to your kids health. 🙂


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