
Credit Card Breach at Target!

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If you shopped IN-STORE during Black Friday and through about Dec 15th, you will want to check and monitor the CC you used.  USA Today released an article about the breach.  And, you can read about it here.

If you shopped online, you are safe.  It is only the IN-STORE purchases you should be worried about. To be safe, you will probably will want to cancel your card and request a new one.

(Thanks Jenn!)

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  1. Any chance you might know if this was the Target Red Card or was it ANY CC used on Black Friday?

  2. same question =)

  3. It is on ANY debit or credit card or red card purchase.

  4. well the Video that is in the Link says yes to red cards…. 🙠dang!

  5. The credit card companies are recommending NOT to cancel your card because there are millions that were breached unless you specifically notice any fraud on your card! IF you are concerned they suggest you watch your card really carefully and call the card companies if you have questions. They say that as credit companies they are monitoring it carefully too!

  6. Shoot, I just got my target Red Card and used it at 3 stores (WJ, Sandy & West Valley) but I have been checking my account everyday (because of the holidays) and haven’t seen an weird charges on my account

  7. A lot of times if it is a large breech like this the thief will wait a few months and THEN use the info. Happened to my parents like that and it drained their checking account right before a trip to Europe, and it was traced back to a breech that happened 4 months prior to that. So, we should keep an eye out for the next few months…unfortunately!

  8. I can’t get on my redcard account to check. Anyone else having problems?

    • same here, and cant get through on the phone

  9. My husband noticed 3 unauthorized charges the other day. we cancelled our card. Then today this comes out. We definitely shopped at Target during those dates. At least now we know what happened!!

    • Can I ask what Target you shopped at? Just wondering if it is all Targets or specific ones that people are seeing the fraud charges?

      • In the report it said nearly ALL target store were hit!

        • did you use a target card or debit card?

  10. Does anyone know if changing a debit card PIN or your target Redcard PIN be enough to stop them from using your information?

  11. Andrea, I doubt it. The fraudulent charges I had were online charges. Online purchases only need the debit card number, exp date and the 3 digit code on the back.

    • Are the fraud charges being seen large amounts like $100+ or smaller amounts? Just wondering because there are some stores I might not notice a charge if it were under $50. Thanks.

  12. Our credit card company called us two weeks ago because of suspected fraudulent charges. Sure enough, there was one $300 charge that went through and another $400 charge that had been denied. They were both for online concery ticket purchases. We had shopped Target online and in the store during the Thanksgiving weekend. We had to close our account and get new cards.

  13. trying to call the number on the back of the red card and its been busy for a while ðŸ™

  14. Reply
  15. That is just horrible. People need to work for what they want and stop trying to takes from others.

  16. I’m getting online to check on my cards. Horrible. First SC has hacking of our tax record info, now this.

  17. To answer someone’s question about small charges, we had a random $6.00 charge at Kohl’s the other day that we can’t explain, because I almost always use my Kohls charge card, and this was with my Visa. At the time, we just thought it was odd, but now we’re pretty sure we got hit. I definitely shopped at Target during those dates.

    • Often times, they make a small purchase first to see if your card will work for them. Then they go and make the big ones. That’s what happened to us when our ATM was skimmed.

  18. What I also find super annoying is that Target emails me deals and my Redcard statement all the time, but, I have yet to receive an email from them about the possibility of my card being compromised.


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