Black Friday / Christmas Deals / Crazy Deals / Walmart

Walmart’s Black Friday Ad is Live! Plus, Jump Start Black Friday Sales NOW

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freebies2deals walmart black friday ad official

Woo-Hoo!  Looks like Walmart is following Target’s release yesterday. Walmart’s Black Friday Ad has been officially released!

And, to get even more awesome, Walmart is having a ONE DAY ONLY Jump Start Savings Event.  So, today, you can find a lot of incredible deals online to grab that are comparable to Black Friday!


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  1. thanks!!

  2. Thank you! Do you know if you can shop online for the black friday deals or do you have to go into the store?

  3. I am a huge Black Friday shopper. This year I am super annoyed and upset at the times many stores are starting their sales. Really 6pm on Thursday? I for one will not be joining in the sales this year. I am actually very sad about that, as I really enjoy them. However, I would much rather spending Thanksgiving with my family and those I love rather then standing in lines. Just crazy to me, why they are so early this year. I thought 10pm was a bit weird, but 6pm – I am just really upset by that time.
    Hopefully I will be able to find alot of the deals I want online, but I will miss the chaos of the stores. Honestly I look forward to shopping, the madness, craziness and fun of it all, all year long. I will miss it, but not enough to give up my turkey dinner and time with my family.
    I am really hoping alot of people skip it this year, so the stores will realize they are being ridiculous. However, I am really doubtful that will happen. **Sigh**

    • I could not agree more! I too hope that less people will go so we can go back to starting at midnight (at the earliest!!).

    • Janet, I totally agree! Just so you know, I get all of the deals online each year. I never go in-store on Black Friday… and I always get what I want for the price I want. So, it’s definitely doable. I will be online posting to help everyone out too!

      • I so agree!!! I will not be shopping at 6pm or 8pm. If that means my kids get a couple less toys at Christmas, guess what? They won’t even know. I too love the madness of black friday, but only on black friday. FRIDAY people FRIDAY. I hate that these sales are running into my holiday and the holiday of the employees. So I will be one of the less people who don’t make it out when the sales start. P.S. last year I had a baby right before Thanksgiving. I got home from the hospital a couple days before. So last year I was not up to going at midnight, but I did leave my baby and kids home with the hubby and ventured out around noon on black friday to see what was left. I got EVERYTHING I had circled on the ad….it was perfect

      • Do you truely get the same prices as black friday on Cyber Monday? I have never done Cyber Monday because I have had to work but this year I don’t, so I thought I would try it out but I’m afraid that I won’t get as good as deals as Black Friday. It sure would be nice to sit at my computer instead of standing in long lines! 🙂

      • so when you shop online do you have to be online at the same time the store starts their deals or does it just go live at anytime or is it on a different day all together??

  4. Thanks! I’m so excited for Black Friday deals! There are so many things that are on our Christmas list being advertised here. I can’t wait!! 🙂

  5. I agree I am super annoyed at the start times. Walmart has a lot of the things my kids want at a great price, but is it worth it giving up my Thanksgiving?

  6. I agree, The holidays have lost their importance! The poor employees of these stores are being punished for the owners greed! I wish people wouldn’t cave and shop, they will and it will get worse and worse every year. SO sad!

  7. Just wondering…I don’t usually do the whole Black Friday stuff b/c I rather pay a few extra $$ then to get in a hot mess with people fighting over items. Walmart has a trampoline on sale and the ad says Thursday at 6pm it will be on sale. Can I order it online and get it for the same price along with a few other items I saw in the ad? It would just be alot easier b/c it is a really good deal and my daughter has been wanting on the last 2-3 years. Thanks in advance for any input.


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