P&G Everyday has just released new samples! They are offering a free sample of Herbal Essence Body Burst Body Wash and Prilosec OTC!
You will need to be a member of P&G Everyday to get this free sample. If you aren�t a member of P&G Everyday, sign up now!
**Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery
The link is not working for me!
How do you get to the free samples?
Same problem here. Below is this message I received:
“Oops! Sorry…
“It�s possible you entered the address incorrectly, or that you are looking for a page that has moved. Use the search bar below to find what you were looking for, or browse the most popular content from the site”
I did some “digging” & was successful. If you go to the bottom of the page you’ll find a link.
PRODUCTS Products & Reviews Samples Coupons.
Click on “Samples” & it’ll take you to the page. Good luck!
Got it! Thanks!
Login and click on offers. I was able to get the body wash!! WOOHOO love saving those for trips!!!
Got mine! Thanks for letting us know about these free samples!
Thanks for the reminder. I forget about these!