Today only, July 22nd,�you can get�FREE shipping sitewide from The Children�s Place.�And, you can use code FRIEND�to get an extra 25% off your total at checkout.
Plus, they are also currently taking up to 60% select styles in the clearance section! �So combine all of the offers together to really get an awesome deal on new school clothes for your kids!
In fact, in the clearance section prices start at only $0.99! That means after the additional 25% off, you could pay as little as only $0.74 shipped per item!�
Lots of great deals. �And with school starting back up soon, it is the perfect time to grab some new clothing for your kids!!
**Want to save even more??�Shop through Ebates and get 2.5% Cash Back on your order.�And, you will get a bonus $5.00 in Cash Back the first time you use Ebates! �If you want to�learn more about Ebates�and how it works, you can�check out my previous post here.�It rocks!
Yay! Thank you!
Today only it is 80% off now and free shipping! If you can find your sizes (: