For everyone who hasn�t applied,�Nielsen is currently looking for more Consumer Panelists!�Spots usually fill up pretty fast with these guys.
All you need to do is�fill out the Nielsen questionnaire�and if you meet their current requirements, you will receive a home scanner in the mail. You will then scan all of your home purchases with the scanner and upload the information through your computer and the information will be sent to Nielsen Consumer Panel. You will earn points for each scan & send task and you can redeem your points for electronics, toys, gift cards and more. You will also be entered into drawings for cash prizes!
Some people really like Nielsen and others say it takes too much of their time.�If you do get accepted, however, if doesn�t hurt to try it out! If you decide it�s not for you, just send back your scanner at NO cost to you and you�ll be done!
I would love to give this a try, but they are not accepting new households in my area.
Maybe next time.
It can take a lot of time sometimes, but overall I love it!
I did this for almost a year and hated it. It takes a TON of time. Most of the stores I shop at you have to scan the item and enter the price and how many you bought. Sometimes it took almost an hour after I got home to scan one shopping trip (even longer if I had gone to more than one store). AND my husband’s purchases never got entered because he would buy stuff when he was at work (like a snack at a gas station) and of course he’s not going to save the wrapper and receipt for me to scan when he gets home. The worst part is that the prizes aren’t worth the amount of points. It takes FOREVER to get points for anything worth the time it takes to scan and take surveys. They do have good prizes but it would take years to finally get them. Seriously, after a year of a lot of time, I only had enough points to get a $10 gift card and an exercise DVD set (probably only worth $5). I only cashed them in so I could quit because I was so tired of doing it I didn’t care anymore. Try it if you want, but it isn’t worth it…