This sale is one everyone will definitely want to do!��Zaycon Foods has started their �All Natural Lean Ground Beef Sale!��And, you can get Lean 93/7 Ground Beef for $3.49 per pound. Here are the details on this All Natural Lean Ground Beef:
- LFTB Free (no pink slime)
- The beef cattle have a grass diet which is supplemented by grain after they reach approximately 700 pounds.
- There are�NO hormones or antibiotics in the beef and it is 100% grown in the USA.
- There are NO�chemicals, additives or water added to meat during processing.
- Processed at a USDA-inspected, state-of-the-art plant employing strict operating protocols (including HACCP) and the highest in food-safety standards
- Prior to processing, inspectors from the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service randomly sample cattle under a monitoring plan and perform testing for antibiotic residues.
- USDA nutrition labeling standards defines “extra lean” and “lean” ground beef based on the lean/fat ratio. While not part of these guidelines, the term “super lean” is often used in the grocery sector to describe ground beef at the upper end of the “lean” category (i.e., “Zaycon Foods 93/7 Super Lean Ground Beef”). This ground beef product is 93% lean and 7% fat
- Comes in a 40-lb case with four 10-lb chubs per case
All Natural Ground Beef can get super expensive. �So, I�ll definitely be stocking up on this sale!
- Just head over to Zaycon Foods and Register
- Then, go to your account page.� You will see the nearest Zaycon Foods location to you and a Green link that will let you place an order.
The Ground Beef comes in a 40 lb box. So it will end up being $139.60.� And, you can order multiple boxes if you have room to freeze them.
Most orders need to be placed before July 23rd � or before they sell out of stock for your delivery area.� And, when you go to order, they will tell you what day and time in July you can pick up your order.
**If you don�t want all 40 lbs, you might want to go in on this deal with a few friends. It�s too good to pass up!
Alicia Pearson
is just me or are the links not working?
Melea Johnson
Hey Alicia- I think they are getting slammed… try again! It just worked for me.
Yay! Awesome deal! I have been waiting for them to sell ground beef. Thank you!