Coupons / Grocery Deals

Pop Quiz: Which Deal is Better?

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freebies2deals price comparison

I see this kind of thing all of the time.  And it is even worse when I see people shopping and they absentmindedly pick the higher priced item! Ahhh!  Makes me want to chase them down in the store and make sure they grab the cheaper item.  If you aren’t brand loyal, there is no reason why you should be spending more.  ***Don’t let the price fool you!  There is a reason you have a calculator on your phone.  Use it. 🙂

The funniest part is that these are right by each other in a display stand.  And STILL people purchased the more expensive pasta.

Looking at this picture I took at a Grocery Store in my area which one is a better deal??  Same product, different size and made by a different brand. Leave a comment below and let us know what you think!

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  1. The 5 for $5 is cheaper… 16oz around .062 an oz. and the 12 oz .77 cent spaghetti is around .064 an oz

  2. hmmm 5/$5

  3. Just like Kim B said – the 5 for $5 is actually cheaper – just by a little bit, but hey, every penny counts!

  4. The western family is cheaper per ounce than the America beauty

  5. I would go with the western family too

  6. 5/$5 is the better deal if you break it down to cost per ounce.

  7. 5 for 5 check price per ounce

  8. Like most people have already said, the 5/$5 is cheaper when you break it down by price. And on some items I prefer the taste of the generic vs the brand name. There probably isn’t an actual difference it just tastes better to me because I know I saved money 😉

    • 5/5 comes out less per ounce

  9. $5 for $5!

  10. You can always calculate the price per ounce, but some things, I will pay a little more for….pasta, I am not sure, pasta sauce….prego and ragu just don’t taste good to me after having Classico and bertollis. To each his own….I save money where I can but I don’t always chose the cheapest per ounce. Stock up when your favorite brands go on sale! I also figure if I do a good job saving on other things, then I can afford to pay a little more for something….especially if it’s a lot better!

    • A great way to help save on pasta sauce is buy the cheaper stuff and add in your own spices and let it simmer on the stove for a bit. Or the real vegetables and an immersion blender work perfectly!

  11. 5 for $5 off course but I like American beauty pasta’s quality better then western family 😉

  12. 5 for $5! not my much though… i feel the same way about grabbing stuff out of people’s hands!

  13. $5 for $5 🙂

  14. Depends on what kind/shape pasta I need!

  15. Sure, $5 for 5 is less per ounce, but when you have a very small grocery budget like I do, paying .77 uses less of the allotted grocery money. 🙂

    • So true! And sometimes that’s all that matters…

  16. They are both $0.06 per oz.

  17. No one has mentioned ingredients and the effect on our bodies. Both of these are filled with GMOs. The cost of future healthcare will far outweigh saving now. Aren’t your children worth the cost of organic products?

    • I totally agree! I save money on pretty much everything else, but I will pay more for non GMO foods because my family’s health is more important!

    • What are GMOs?

      • GMO is genetically modified food. This can be anything from adding in new ingredients, to just altering the DNA and not adding anything in.
        In response to ingredients, making pasta from scratch is so much easier than people think. I put mine in a mixer, roll it out and cut it up. Kids love making it, and different shapes and sizes is always fun.

  18. Depends if I have a coupon for either!

  19. In this case, the higher price is actually cheaper, Melea. Did you have a coupon or figure it differently than per ounce? 🙂

  20. The 5 for $5 barely!

  21. 5 for $5 is cheaper – but I have to say sometimes I’ve seen a deal similar to this and the American Beauty spaghetti, linguine, and fettucine IS 16 oz and it rings up for $0.77 anyway – which would make it the cheaper one. I usually take both up to the register and have them scan it and then just buy the cheaper one 🙂

  22. The .77 one is 15.8 cents per ounce & the 5/$5 is 16 cents per ounce. So depending on which brand you like better, they’re close to the same. But the .77 is a bit cheaper!

    • Think your calculations are a little off Melissa hun . Its all good though happens to us all sometimes.

  23. They are both too much. I wait until pasta is 50 cents for a lb. and if I have coupons, I throw that on top. One time I was able to get American Beauty and Ronzoni for free and got several months worth using coupons. However, because of my oldest being atypical autistic, we are considering going gluten free and will have to pay much more for pasta.

    • Great idea Elena!

    • Elena, look into buying gluten free flour in bulk and make the pasta from scratch. It will save you a lot if you have to go down the more pricey route.

  24. you will get more spaghetti for 5 for 5

  25. Need to know the packaging sizes..

    • 12 oz vs. 16 oz

  26. We’re talking one fifth of a penny? I am all for pinching pennies but unless you are really buying in bulk you aren’t going to feel this difference. If you like one brand more than the other, in this case…buy what you like! Live a little. Go crazy with that 1/5 of a cent! 😛

  27. $5 for $5 is slightly cheaper per ounce. I don’t always see this as a big deal, especially when I only to plan to purchase one. I usually purchase ingredients for a particular reason, so I prefer to spend less on the spot. I’m not one to stock up in order to save later. My food would expire before I get a chance to use it, which would turn out to be a loss.

  28. 5 for $5 is a better deal!


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