WOW! Right now all Newegg Newsletter Subscribers can use coupon code EMCXRWP235 to preorder the Disney Infinity Starter Pack for Playstation 3�for only $64.99! FREE shipping too! (The Infinity line is set to release on August 18th)�
Or, if you have an Xbox 360, you can use coupon code EMCXRWP234 to score the Xbox 360 Disney Infinity Starter Pack for only $64.99 as well.
Each pack includes the Infinity video game and base peripheral, three Infinity figures, three Infinity play sets, an Infinity power disc, and codes to unlock online content.
This is the best price we have seen yet for these starter packs!
**Not a Newsletter Subscriber? No problem! You can sign up for FREE on the Newegg site.�