This week, Target has a killer deal on Banana Boat Sunscreen. Plus, right now, a brand new printable Banana Boat Coupon for $3.25 off two just popped up. So you can head over and print it off!
Then, use it in the following deal at Target:
Purchase 2 Bottles of Banana Boat Sunscreens for $6.49 Each
Add the Target Cartwheel 5% off Banana Boat eCoupon to your Account
Use the $3.25 off 2 Banana Boat Printable Coupon or 2 of the $2.00 off Banana Boat Coupons from the 4-21-13SS
You pay $9.08, but Get a $5 Target Gift Card Back
Total cost $3.34 or $4.08 for both bottles!!
**It is possible to even use the $2.00 off 2 Banana Boat KIDS Suscreen Target Coupon, to save even more!
I believe Ibotta has a cash incentive to buy this as well.
Ibotta does! They have a $.75 deal. 🙂
thanks, shoprite has all banana boat 50% off this week too
Can you still use manufacturer’s coupons and Target coupons together at Target?
Melea Johnson