Baby & Kid Deals

What are Good Prices for Baby Clothing and Other Baby Necessities??

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I got this email from Reader Lauren recently… and I’ve received others similar to it in the past.  Here is what she said:

“I am pregnant with my first child. We just found out the gender (girl!) so I am now ready to start the process of buying all the baby stuff!   The bigger ticket items like strollers, cribs, car seats, etc. I think I have a pretty good handle on good prices. But I am curious – do you have a general benchmark for a “good price” for apparel? Basics like onesies, pajamas, sleep sacks, socks, and also the more fun stuff like dresses, shoes, etc. I’m also interested in good prices on swaddling blankets, burp cloths, and those other simple necessities. Obviously this depends so much on the quality, brand and material etc. but right now if I see (for example) a cute sleep sack on zulily for $18, it’s hard for me to know if it’s a good deal or not!”

Having your first baby can be kind of stressful… especially if you want to be smart about all of the money you have to spend.  There is just so much to buy with Baby #1!!

So Lauren needs our help….. What are YOUR Price Points for Items like Baby Clothing, Swaddling Blankets, Burp Cloths, Onesies…?  Everyone can be very different on this subject.  So I thought it would be great to pool together our thoughts! Just leave a comment below!!

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  1. When it comes to clothes I tend to go over the top– everything is just too cute! So I try to buy things at the end of the season for next year. My rule is that I won’t spend over 7 dollars for anything (clothes related) Unless it is something really cute like an Easter outfit. I set this goal when I was pregnant- my little boy is 14 months now and I still haven’t paid more than $7 for anything 🙂

  2. Buy the gerber prefold cloth diapers, and use them as burp cloths. They’re cheap and effective. If you know how to sew, there are even blogs that show you how to make them more decorative. For clothes, buy them used. In Utah, I hit the DI regularly. You can often find new or practically new clothes. They outgrow them so fast!

  3. Since onesies are key piece for little ones (and you need about a bazillion of them) I realized that buying them at craft stores can actually save you money on these. Even though the regular prices for multi-packs of onesies at Michaels, AC Moore and Joann Fabrics are more expensive then say Walmart or Target, when you use a 40% off or 50% off one item coupon, you can actually make out pretty well buying your onesies there, since they are not something that regularly go on sale anywhere.

  4. I like Jennifer’s $7 idea. I like to spend about $5 and under, unless it’s for a special occasion. I have many friends who hand down so many clothes to me that I can pick and choose and I end up with a very decent wardrobe for my two sons (ages 7 and 2) & I can feel good that clothing is being re-used (very eco-friendly). So when I DO purchase anything, it’s just because it is so dang cute that I can’t live without it, not because I really need it. Put the word out to your friends and family, if you don’t mind used clothing, because babies outgrow them so fast, they almost always look like new and buying clothes and baby items ends up being an exception. Have Fun no matter what you do, because it’s always nice to see your kiddos dressed cute.

  5. My rule of thumb is to shop end of season sales too. Normally my limit is $5 per piece. But if it is an outfit, I take that into consideration too. Especially if the pants could be reusable with another top. I was given so many burp clothes and my favorite ones were the ones Bianca above mentioned, the Gerber prefold cloth diapers. I recently started shopping at my town’s two thrift stores and have found some fantastic deals- winter snowsuit for baby (6-9 mos.) for $3.99 and a pair of Levi’s size 5 for $1 (with the adjustable waist). Both look like they have never been worn.

  6. The carters outlet, if you live in Utah I love Savers, check ksl.

  7. $1 per onesie is a good price point. End of season sales are fantastic too; hard part is trying to foresee what size your daughter will be, but it’s a lot easier once you notice her growing trend. Basically, anything on sale or clearance is a good price, because it’s not full price! You’ll find that you’ll pay a little more for better brand clothes (the 4 for $20 deal on Circo clothes at Target was nice), because they last and wear longer. I won’t pay any more than $5 on any given everyday item. Hit up Kid-to-Kid, Savers, DI, Salvation Army, Goodwill or search the classifieds on if your ok with used clothes; babies grow out of things so fast that it’s a lot easier paying $1-3 for a sleep sack than $15-20. I also search Walmart’s clearance racks regularly. So… regards to wanting a particular ‘price point’ for items, it’s kind of hard to pinpoint–You’ll find your comfort zone. Just never pay full price 🙂

  8. I like to pay $1-2 for short sleeve onesies and just a little more for long sleeved onesies. One thing that has saved me a lot of money is buying the bigger things and seasonal things in gender neutral colors. Winter coats and snow pants are always navy or red at our house. Snow boots are black. It can be tempting–especially when they are tiny–to buy those cute pink or light blue things–but you can get so much more use out of them if you buy in colors you can use again. I’ve done this with blankets and other accessories as well. While you’re learning to shop, keep in mind what your most important items are and watch for sales on those. For example, I really wanted a specific stroller. I didn’t pay full price for it (I don’t pay full price for anything), but I did feel ok splurging a little since I saved on other things.

  9. Another great idea is yard sales. I don’t know how many times I’ve gotten adorable, basically new, outfits for .25-.75!! Watch the classifieds for weekend sales, there are always a ton going on in the warmer months, the only catch is waking up a bit early on the weekend. Congrats on your baby!!

  10. Oh, and I also buy clothes the season before. It gets hard to guess exactly what size your kids will be so if you don’t like to buy everything then, get your accessories. Hats, sunglasses, mittens, etc and holiday outfits (I’m a sucker for those “I Love Santa” type things), are always so much cheaper the season before and then it’s not so painful to buy a few pants and shirts at a sale price when the season arrives, if that’s what you need to do.

  11. While I love garage sales, DI and such, sometimes you can find new items on clearance for better than used. I have also found that buying a set can help too. I bought a few packs of onesies and other clothes at the Carter’s sale and it came out to $2-3 a piece.
    While it is really nice to be prepared, it can also be wise to wait and see what brand fits your baby best. My baby fits perfect in Carter’s clothes, but some of the clothes we have are made for babies half his height and twice his width. Of course if the clothes are really cute, cheap or free, I don’t always care if they fit that well.

  12. another thing that i have done with my second kid is make my own breast pads. i know that it does not have anything to do with kids clothes but i have saved a lot of money by buying good flannel and sewing my own resuable breast pads. also i agree with the garage sales! i got so many onesies for $.50 and outfits which are 3 pieces for $1 i would also ask people who have had kids some will let you borrow the clothes if you give them back when you are done with them. like if they are keeping them because they are having more kids, but dont have one on the way yet.

  13. Maybe I am weird, but I had a hard time buying used clothes for my brand new baby. I think with this being your first baby many people will give you clothes as gifts. I always loved the jumping bean brand from kohls. If you have a kohls credit card wait until you get a 30% off and stock up. They are so cute and they are all mix and match.

  14. I have 5 kids and it can get so expencive, LUKY you for having a girl i started of with boys I have 4 and than finaly a little girl. I found out that shoping for girls is so much easyer you can find somany things on clearance she is one right now i have purchased all of her clothing for next year she has snow suite , fun church coat (zebra print love it) 1 snow boots and 3 light wait boots, 6 dresses for church, x-mas, birthdays, pictures total of 12 outfits for it all i payed $130.00 the most expencive thing was the snow suit(jacket and snow pants, gloves and hat) it was $16 on clearance at shopko, for my boys its easy the oldes 2 are twins so they pass their close to younger once and i do same type of shoping for all of them and save a ton just like for my little girl you just have to be creative with boys because there is not such a great celection out there so you have to mix and match!!! there is a rule in my house some of the outfits can only be “going out outfits” which means you can only be in them if we are out to movies, dinner family activitys( not for outside play making mud castles in the back yard) this way when older once out grow them the younger once can were them and they are like new!!! it is very important to buy good detergent to wash kids clothing to get all those stains out:) I agree its great to go to yard sales, DI but if you can get things cheaper and new why not do it !! call stores before you go every store is different some stores go by location if there is a lot of competition from other store discounts will be BIGER by additional 5-25% off CALL BEFORE YOU GO a lot of times i call and ask if their clearance will have additional clearnce and they will tell you not today but it will be happening next week. Make friends with people who work at this stores cause they will let you know of awsome deals!!! and of corse speack with other moms cause we all LOVE TO SHOP 🙂 and all of us know of a good deal 🙂

  15. No more than $5 bucks for pretty much anything. I shop a lot at old navy.. Clearance and a coupon and I’m not a couponer. I sometimes get shirts there for .50. Just shop for the year before and store it. Coats and dress clothes I pay around $10, name brand. Again it’s just stored, and if it doesn’t fit your kid, I’ve used yardsale sites and have gotten what I’ve paid for. Jeans, and I mean nice jeans I say $7-8.

  16. I found great prices on my Kids Clothing at Burlington Coat Factory. They had great clothings, including the OSh Kosh B’Gosh and Carters clothing I love at half the price I had seen them for in the department stores. I just got some new summer clothes for them and, once the weather gets warmer, I will definitely want to take some pictures of them in their new outfits.


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