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Freebies2Deals is Donating $.25 per FB Like to Boston Bombing, Texas Explosion and Mid-West Flooding Relief Funds!

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Memorials And Sunday Services Held In Honor Of Boston Marathon Bombing Victims

Update:  We only had 50 new fb likes during this Charity Giveaway.  I was hoping for more.  Even though that ends up being $12.50…. I thought I would donate $50 instead.  Every little bit helps when everyone does their part!  Thanks everyone for participating!

freebies2deals- donation to one relief boston fund

We have all been deeply affected by the recent tragedies this past week.  And in order to do just a little something, Freebies2Deals is going to donate $.25 for every new Facebook “Like” that happens within the next week to two different reputable charities that will be able to make a big impact: The American Red Cross and One Fund Boston. Money from these charities will go to those in need of medical help, funeral costs, funds for families who have lost loved ones and more. So I’m hoping that we can make a little dent with this donation and hopefully make things just a little bit better for those affected.

That is where the Facebook part comes into play.  I know people might have a preference as to where their “like” donation goes.  So, after you have “liked” Freebies2Deals on Facebook, just leave a comment on the Donation Announcement Post letting me know whether you would like your $.25 donation to go to The American Red Cross or the One Fund Boston Relief Fund. 

freebies2deals midwest floods

If you choose to donate to The American Red Cross, your donation may go to those families affected by the huge Texas Explosion or to the families dealing with flooding in the Mid-West.  So keep that in mind. 

freebies2deals texas explosion

If you already “like” Freebies2Deals, great!  You can help spread the word to friends and family members by sharing the FB Post and letting them know how easy it is to help donate.  I wish I had more to donate, but I can only hope that every little bit will help!  …..And that by working together we can all make a big impact! 

**This donation request is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. $.25 will be donated per new “like” until we hit $1,500 in donation funds.  Those funds will be donated the first week of May 2013 to the charities mentioned above and a confirmation post will be put up for all Freebies2Deals readers to see the actual donation.  The Donations will be given in behalf of the Freebies2Deals readers to the said charities.

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  1. Question: Why does is say 25 cents on the website, but the facebook post says 10 cents donated?

    • It was originally $.10 but I thought that $.25 was better. I totally made a mistake on the FB post. But it is $.25!

  2. Allison, it’s also “icky” to say extremely rude things to people.

  3. Oh, and I think it’s very nice that you’re doing this, Melea. Thanks for all you do for us every day! You’ve taught me what I consider a life skill. 🙂


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