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CPR Guidelines Have Changed! Take a FREE Class or Learn Free Online!

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Last night, our family had the opportunity to go to a CPR class that was being taught at our Church building.  A bunch of the Firefighters and an EMT came to teach us about CPR, Choking and what to do in other emergency situations.  I’ve been CPR certified before.  But, I am SO glad I went to this class…. because I had no idea how the CPR Guidelines have totally changed!

The American Heart Association has found out that Chest Compression Only CPR is more effective than doing breaths as well.  Their latest studies have shown that those life saving breaths actually aren’t as effective because you end up breathing in Carbon Dioxide instead of fresh Oxygen into the victim’s lungs.  Makes sense to me!  Plus, if Chest Compressions are done fast and hard, they will move the lungs as well and encourage them to receive oxygen on their own.

You can head over here to see the New guidelines for CPR.  You can even watch a video on it or see if there is a Free Class in your area!

I always worry that I will need to use CPR in some emergency.  So I’m glad I’m prepared in case I do have to help save a life!

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  1. We had the same thing at my church a few weeks back and the RN stated that you still need breaths for those under 12 years, and if its a victim of drowning. Breaths are still required in those instances.

  2. I just took a course as well and was told that hands only CPR is best for teens and adults that you SEE collapse suddenly. CPR with breaths is needed for younger children and instances that would affect breathing such as drowning and electrocution. Although they did say that if you were not trained in CPR with breathing that compression CPR is the best thing you can do for someone. However there is only so long that a brain can last without oxygen which is delivered by CPR breathing. It’s awesome that you took the course and I hope more people take them!

  3. Emergency situations whethere we like it or not just happen and the best thing to deal with it is to be prepared. I took CPR classes when my first child was born. I felt there is a need for me to learn CPR techniques for my loved ones, it’s one way of giving protection and a sense of security knowing i am capable of helping save their lives.


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