Well, the day has finally come.� For some reason I was hoping it would just never happen… but I am starting to get wrinkles! AAAH! So I have been scouring the web for the Best Wrinkle Prevention Creams.
Good Housekeeping and other publications have rated the Olay Regenerist Series one of the best- even against expensive beauty counter finds.� So if you use it, or wanted to try it out, right now Amazon has a $3.00 coupon to clip on all Olay Regenerist Items!� Plus, you can add them to your cart via the Subscribe and Save Option and actually get them for cheaper too!
For example, the Olay Regenerist Daily Regenerating Serum ends up being $13.53 Shipped!!� (Reg $22)
You can only use the $3.00 coupon once per Amazon account.� So choose wisely which product you want to score this deal with!
If you know of other products you LOVE, let me know in the comment section.
I just started using this in January and I have already noticed a huge improvement in my skin. I also love the Neutrogena Microdermabrasion kit. It was around $20 and I use three times a week. My skin looks so much better!
A retinol product is great for helping boost collagen production, shrink pores, and increasing cell turnover. I’m a nut about using my dermatologist prescribed cream nightly but have heard great things about ROC’s retinol day and night creams. Retinols are proven in anti-aging. I say spend the money for a prescription instead of throwing money towards ‘miracle creams’ but that’s just me.

I use the regenerist night cream and I love it! It doesn’t make my face feel oily at night but it smoothes everything and helps keep my skin soft.