This could spruce up your Valentine’s Day a bit.� Right now, Groupon has Luxury Satin Sheet Sets for only $29!� And, the price is the same no matter what size you purchase.� Shipping is free as well!
You can choose from:
- Black-and-white zebra print
- Pink-and-black leopard� print (not available in twin)
- Solid black
- Solid coral
- Solid gold (not available in twin)
- Solid ivory
- Solid light blue (available in king and california king only)
- Solid lilac (available in king only)
- Solid pink (not available in twin or full)
- Solid red (not available in twin)
- Solid white
There are over 700 purchased so far.� So if this is something you might want, I wouldn’t wait to purchase it.
Naomi Morrill
This is so fun! Thanks!
Vava voom!!
Kim Hewlett
Great for Valentines???
Christina S.
YES!! I’ve always wanted nice sheets. Now I have multiple reasons.
Looks soooo fun…..but wondering if my blankets are going to ‘slip’ right off and then I’ll be cold??? Anyone else have satin sheets…do you have this problem?
I have never tried satin sheets! Not a bad price to try them out with!
Loved the idea of ours but we NEVER use them because we slip and slide all through the night and can’t get a decent nights sleep! They were fun for Valentines and Anniversaries though
Emily Davies
I need sheets so bad!
Thanks for the post — they only fit 14 inch mattresses though.
Wahoo, I want red!
Joy Candrian
I’ve had satin sheets & dont’ like how my feet feel like they are constantly in need of a pedi in them.
Keola Kinghorn
Totally getting this!
Perfect deal for Valentines day!
last set i had – almost slid out of bed
Never tried satin sheets before but I think I could for this price.
jennifer shank
ooh nice. i love new sheets
Rebecca Gubler
Woo-woo!!! How fun would this be for Valentines???? Plus so nice and cool during summer. AHHHHH.
Kadi A
These look so comfortable! I love satin.
Thanks for the feedback, everyone! I think I’ll pass w/ lots of you saying you slide too much in them…they’re super cute though; maybe just better for looks though…
Tried and did not like. Just like everyone else said too slippery.
Tiffany Davis
I’m not sure if I bought these ones but I bought some sheets from groupon a little while back that were satiny as well and they were not soft at all. They would get caught on my dry skin and the feeling of them just isn’t pleasant. Just very low quality. But this might not have been the exact same ones…
My husband would love these. . .
Jodi Wilkey
I am going to check this out, great price for all sizes.
This really sounds like a great deal! Thanks
Stacy Ryerse
sounds silky!
Love my satin sheets. Super cool in the summer, but they are slick so need a not satin blanket or everything slides to the floor.
Melissa Thornton
hubba hubba!!! Perfect for valentines day
Those look like really nice sheets!
Tracy Williams
love silk sheets
Brittney P
Love this deal!! Thank you!!
These are awesome to sleep in!
lacy hilton
What a great deal, thank you!
Shelly Morris
I need sheets but I’d sure hate to fall out of bed. Great deets on the deal though. Right down to the colors available!
Emily D.
These are awesome and at a great price too!
Oh man! How did you know I needed new sheets! This price is awesome!
Melissa S
I’ve never tried satin sheets. But, we currently have flannel sheets because they are so warm. If you want to try out a different sheet set, try flannel! You can find them at your local Wal-Mart.
Carolyn T
These look lovely and comfy. The twin size only comes with one pillowcase which is a bit unfortunate, but they are still a great deal!
Jennifer Bryant
Nice. This is a great deal.
Whoah, baby. Love the different colors and styles. But, remembering an incident jumping onto my friend’s bed in high school and sliding right off the other side! ha ha
Stacie Gardner
Oh love these!!!
Oh, our sheets are getting so old. We definitely need some new ones! Thanks for posting this deal!
Jen W
I bought two sets, thanks for the info!
Very slidey but are fun and a nice change from the normal boring bed.
If you have a bed cover that gets folded down at night they tend to fall off of satin sheets.
These are really slippery but a lot of fun. It would be great for Valentines or for a wedding gift.
Brooke O.
How fun. I always think of those commercials froma few years back whenever I think of Satin Sheets
You remember them? Where the guy jumps into bed and slips right off?
Melissa Copfer
Only purchase if you like sliding off the bed!
JJ Flowers
Gratitude leads to happiness and abundance. Thanks so much for this!
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Mmmm satin sheets! So luxurious.
red in time for Valentine’s Day!
Colette Whicker
Looks like fun!
Lindsey Wright
Love silk sheets thanks so much!
Jill Wilkins
Wow, perfect for VT’s day
Jennifer P.
I’m loving the red satin sheets for Valentines! I can just picture a romantic evening with these, candles and Doterra Essential Oils! Now to just find someone to babysit the kiddos overnight!
Vicki F.
I asked for satin sheets when I was a teenager, because my grandmother had them, and I always thought they were so elegant.
Diann B.
I have never had satin sheets, but this is a great price!
We just bought a new bed and could use some awesome sheets to make it extra comfy!
This would definitely feel cooler in the summer. I would love to try these.
Angela H
Reminds me of the Boy Meets World episode when Cory puts on red satin sheets when Topanga moved into his dorm room.
Michele B
Hot Hot Hot
I like the red set.
Wow, definitely a luxury experience!
Austin Smead
These look amazing! So comfy
So comfortable
Carol C
Looks so soft.
I love how you list details and always have links. Makes it so simple!
Wow, something about shiny sheets just screams SEXY!
Not sure I would like satin sheets (too slippery), but it could be fun for Valentines Day.
Shannon E.
Looks so nice!
Nicole Davidsen
Oh la la!!
Just FYI, Amazon’s regular price is the same as this deal. Of course that means having to deal with Amazon……..