Christmas Deals / Coupon Codes / Crazy Deals

Today Only – $.29 Holiday Cards & Invitations! FREE Shipping Too!

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I’m reposting this in case you missed it earlier.  Only a few hours left!

WOW! Today only, Dec 12th you can get Holiday Cards and Inviations for only $.29 Each with code CCP2229 at the Cardstore!  And you can actually give Cardstore the names and addresses of the cards and they will mail them for you for free!!  Stamps right now are $.45 each.

So if you have Cardstore mail them for you, you are basically getting the cards for FREE and saving $.16 on postage! And, you don’t even have to stuff the envelopes, put on a return address or anything.  They will do it for you!

If you would rather address and stamp the envelopes yourself, they will ship you all of your Holiday cards for free as well. 


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  1. I’m having trouble logging in to their site. Is anyone else having that problem? Maybe their server is down?

  2. I’m having the same problem!

  3. Also, cardstore is on ebates for another 7.5% back.

    Their site has been very patchy lately, but I ordered from them last year and the cards were lovely (though they sent out 2 copies to everyone on our list, which was a little wierd).

  4. Holy amazing deal! Yahoo! Just finished mine. I wasn’t even going to do holiday cards…but now I just did! Woo hoo!

  5. Worked for me! I just got 82 cards mailed to the recipients for $23!!!

  6. Thanks for the heads up! Great deal!

  7. Oh my heck. I’m SO mad!!! I needed 55 more cards yesterday and figured there weren’t going to be anymore sales on them. I did Snapfish’s 40% off sale and got ones I wasn’t as in love with.
    Dang – I wish I had waited one more day for a better deal on cards I love more!

    oh well. 🙂

  8. I had cardstore address them and then send them to me so I could insert my family letter and they all came stamped! What a deal!

  9. Thank you so much!!!
    I saved almost $170!!

  10. Cardstore ROCKS! My total before the discount was nearly $100. After the discount, it was only $13! Unbelievable! I got 45 cards mailed to family and friends, including postage! Thank you for the head’s up about this amazing deal! That took such a huge weight off my mind! 🙂


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