This weekend, you can get 60% off of one item at JoAnn Fabrics! You can shop in-store with the printable 60% off coupon to get the discount.
Or if your shopping online you can get free shipping with orders over $40. Just use code JKDE317�at checkout.
This is a great coupon if you plan on making PJ’s for Christmas or have a project laying around the house you need to finish.
**Coupon expires Nov 12, 2012.
I love these 60% off coupons!! Thanks so much for posting them!!
I also get their e-mails that have a 60% off coupon, and since they have different sku #’s, they always let me use BOTH 60% off coupons in the same transaction!! If you’re not signed up to get their e-mails, sign up so you can get that coupon too!