Now through October 30th, you can get 50% off of one item at JoAnn Fabrics! You can either shop in-store with the printable 50% off coupon to get the discount. Or you can enter code halloween144 at checkout to get the discount online.
This would be perfect if you have a item you need to pick up for a costume you’re making or a project you have going on right now!
If you have a smart phone there is a joann app that allows you to use all the coupons right from your phone in store. Its pretty handy
Don’t forget that most other craft stores will accept competitor’s coupons. I’m going to use this at Hobby Lobby tomorrow!
great idea, thanks!
THANK U for MAKiNG (((((FREEBiES2DEALS.COM!!!!!))))) i ViSiT the SiTE (((((DAiLY!!!!!))))
My MOM iz gonna USE the 50% OFF 1 iTEM @ (JoANN FABRiCS toDAY!!!!) THANKS AGAiN!!!!! and i CANT WAiT to get My ((((FREE LiNDOR CHOCOLATES!!!!))))))) <3