Here are this week’s best deals at Safeway! Thank you to Frugal Living NW our Freebies 2 Deals Safeway expert, for putting this list together!
Fresh Express Spinach or Garden Salad (8-16 oz) $0.99
Cascade Auto Dish Detergent $3.99 with weekly ad coupon
Use the $1.00 off Cascade Coupon from the 8-26-12 PG
Total Cost $2.99
Popcorn Indiana $3.49
Use the $0.55 off Popcorn Indiana coupon
Plus, use the $1.00 off Popcorn Indiana Safeway Just4U eCoupon (available 9/26)
Total Cost $1.94
Plum Organics Baby Food Pouch (3.17 oz) $0.99
Use the $0.50 off Plum Organics coupon
Total Cost $-.49 each
Power Bar (1.94-2.29 oz) $0.99
Buy 6, Get a $2.00 Catalina
Use the $1.00 off of five Power Bars coupon
You Pay $4.95, Get a $2 Catalina
Total Cost $0.49 each after Catalina
Balance Bar (1.76 oz) $0.99
Use the $1.10 off of three Balance Bars coupon
Total Cost $0.62 each
Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner (22 oz) $2.50
Use the $1.00 off of two Scrubbing Bubbles coupon
Plus, use the $0.50 off Scrubbing Bubbles Safeway Just4U eCoupon (should come off twice, available 9/26)
Total Cost $1.50 each
O Organics Milk $4.99
Use the $0.50 off O Organics Safeway Just4U eCoupon
Total Cost $4.49
Betty Crocker Muffin Mix (15.2-19.1 oz) $2.49
Use the $0.50 off Betty Crocker Muffin Mix coupon
Plus, use the $1.00 off Betty Crocker Muffin Mix Safeweay Just4U eCoupon
Total Cost $0.99 each
Be sure to check out Frugal Living NW for a full list of this week’s great deals!
**If you are new to couponing, you will notice some abbreviations next to certain coupons. SS Stands for Smart Source, RP Stands for Red Plum and PG Stands for Proctor and Gamble. They are all of the coupons inserts you can get in your Sunday paper.