Running low on Heinz Vinegar? If you are, check yesterday’s Smart Source coupon insert to see if you received a high value $1.00 off of one Heinz Vinegar Coupon. Then, the next time you are headed to Walmart, make sure to take that coupon with you.
Here is how you can score Heinz Vinegar for FREE at most Walmart locations:
Purchase Heinz Vinegar at $1.00
Use the $1.00 off of one Heinz Vinegar Coupon from the 6-24-12 SS
Total cost FREE
Please keep in mind, this is an unadvertised deal. Pricing and selection may vary by store. Even if your stores price does vary slightly though, you still should be able to score some really cheap vinegar after this high value coupon.
(Thanks The Cents’Able Shoppin)
Thanks. I am out of white vinegar and missed this coupon going through my insert.
how to print this coupon? I didn’t find this on