Wow! This is a cool freebie for anyone in the Military!
May 22nd through July 4th, Huggies is donating five million Camo Little Movers diapers to the Military! These diapers will be available to members of all the branches of the military at the following locations & on the following dates:
- May 24th: San Diego Armed Services YMCA from 9am to 11 am (or until they run out)
- May 24th: Camp Pendleton Armed Services YMCA from 12pm to 2pm (or until they run out)
- June 7th: The Fort Leonard Wood Armed Services YMCA from 9am to 1pm (or until they run out)
Please note that the diaper sizes that will be available are sizes 3, 4 & 5. You will be able to pick up two free boxes per family & a active duty Military or Spouse ID card will be required.
Also, please take a thank you note made out to Kimberly-Clarke and the ASYMCA.
For more detailed information, make sure to read all of the details on the ASYMCA website.
(Thanks Drug Store Divas)
its so amazing that they are donating so many of them but you would have to be at one of the 3 locations. they should donate boxes to every base so that everyone can be involved. But again, its awesome that they are donating so many diapers!
it says forbidden when I click on the link.