Coupons / Crazy Deals / Free Stuff

BEST NEWS EVER!!! Print All Redplum Coupon Inserts from Home!!

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This is about the best news that I have ever heard!  Many of us do not get a Red Plum Coupon Insert on Sundays because our newspaper service does not have a current contract with them.  So, we lose out on a lot of coupons.

BUT- Redplum has just put out their entire week’s coupon insert and put it online to print!  Just create an account and log in and you can have access to them.  Check the boxes of the coupons you want and you can print them out.

These coupons do have printing limits- which is why I wanted to give you a heads up as soon as possible!  And, make sure your pop up blocker is turned off so the site will work right for you.

SUPER EXCITED about this for all of us!  YAY!!

**I’m assuming the new week’s coupons will upload on Sundays.  So, that might be the best day to log in and print the coupons that you want before they run out.

(Thanks I Love to Gossip and Savvy Sister Shops)

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  1. That IS a problem – by the time I am able to log in the ones I want to print are no longer available.

  2. Only a couple of good coupons and they were no longer available by the time I went to print! I’m not too impressed.

  3. Same here ladies..All the one’s I need are already out so will have to buy anyway:( but still like the idea.

  4. THANK YOU for posting this! The “good ones” may be gone for this week, but I know what I’m dong first thing Sunday mornings!

  5. I am so excited!!!! It was driving me nut not being able to get Red Plum, awesome news!!! THANK YOU!!!!

  6. This is great… I wish all coupons would do this, I’m sick of the newspaper… they are such a waste of paper in this age.

  7. This is awesome! Thanks for sharing .

  8. Thanks! I never get RP so this is awesome.

  9. Bummer no longer available the coupons I wanted and they also don’t have all of the coupons in the red plum I get in the mail. I filled out a survey with my complaints. Hopefully if they get a lot of complaints they will fix the prob and this will be awesome.

  10. I have tried this at my house as well as my mothers on Sunday. I disabled the pop ups like it said, and it said it was printing my coupons and I got ZERO on my printer both times! I have had problems with the redplum website in the past as well so I don’t know if it is me and something I’m doing or if it is a glitch within their site. There have been times that I have been able to print off of their site without any problems and I did nothing different that I’m aware of except allowing the pop ups….Any help from my friends on this?????

  11. Every coupon I wanted was unavailable. I did not get to print any at all. I also left a complaint about the availability of coupons. Great idea, bad outcome.

  12. My coupons clipped did NOT print. I completed the survey, and informed RP that their system is not impressive. RP needs to re-organize/fix and verify their program works before unveiling it to the public.

  13. The coupons I needed were no longer available, the ones I tried to print I recieved nothing. They need to make more of the prints available. But of course there are some people out there I am sure with several home computers, printing out mulitple coupons for these products.


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