Free Stuff / Grocery Deals / Target

Check Today for Extra FREE Target Reusable Bags!

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Yesterday, Target was handing out FREE Reusable Bags to customers in-store.  However, you might want to check today to see if they have any left.

Since I personally don’t shop on Sundays, I have always headed over the next day and they have had a bunch left.  So, you never know, worth asking right??  Especially since you get $.05 off your total each time you use them instead of the plastic bags!

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  1. I got mine at the door yesterday and it was full of samples and coupons as well. I did some shopping and as I was leaving the ladies were saying they were on their last box, that was at 10am. My husband had to run out around 2 for some other items (Ie getting out of the house 🙂 ) and he was not offered one. I am guessing they were out. It was a super Target though, so not sure if a smaller store would not have gotten as hit.

  2. Is it 5 cents off your total PER bag used or just 5 cents off each time you use a reusable bag(s)? If it’s just 5 cents off no matter how many bags you use then it will take a lot of trips/transactions to equal any savings. Just my opinion… Plus, Target bags are great trash can liners so to me that’s a more savings…no more buying expensive trash can liners!

    • 5 cents per bag! So it can add up if you use them all of the time. 🙂


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