
Pregnancy Sickness Update!

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First of all, can I just say how loved I felt with all of your awesome tips and suggestions to help with my pregnancy sickness??  The amount of comments on F2D and the Facebook Page blew my mind.  I’m SO lucky to have such awesome people reading my blog!  And I took a lot of your suggestions to heart! 🙂

There was one thing that I recently learned from a few friends that has made a huge difference for me in the way I’m feeling.  Yes, I’m still sick.. but it’s not nearly as bad as it was.

I’ve tried to take Zofran in the past, but it never really worked.  I would take an 8mg pill once a day, or take two 4mg pills once a day.  Either way, it just didn’t work.  Then, a few friends told me that Zofran is what they call a “build on” drug- meaning that you have to always have it in your system and the zofran will build on itself  after 2-3 days.  So that is one of the things I tried.  I cannot believe that none of my doctors have ever mentioned this about Zofran and how helpful it could be to all of the other women suffering from morning sickness.

I take a 4mg pill in the morning and one before bed ( so about 10-12 hours apart). It took about 3 days but then the Zofran kicked in and it is AMAZING how much better I feel.

So for all you who didn’t know this about Zofran and how it works, hopefully it can make you feel a little better in your pregnancies as well! 

Thanks again for all your help and suggestions!  I am using a lot of your ideas on top of the Zofran and they are working great too.  I’ve got about 4 more weeks of sickness (hoping it only lasts till 16 weeks like las time) .. so hopefully the time flies and I can get back to feeling better 100% of the time!

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  1. I’m so surprised that your Dr. didn’t tell you about taking it a few days before really having it work. And I hope you only have 4 weeks left…are you basing that upon your first child? If so, just a heads up, I was only sick for about 3 months with my 1st and 6 months with my 2nd – drastically different! So, I hope you have better luck! 🙂

  2. I’m so glad your feeling better and you found out what will work for you. We all need you feeling tops for the great job you do for us its not any fun to do stuff when your not feeling well. I know doctors do their best to care for us but it is too bad that you had to suffer as long as you did. thanks again for all you do!!!!!!!!!

  3. I saw you on Good Things Utah last week and you looked great. So glad you are feeling better.

  4. I’m 37 weeks pregnant today and have taken zofran this whole pregnancy. It has been a lifesaver! I’m glad you are feeling better.

  5. If I remember right the zofran can come in handy to increase your milk supply after the birth also..

  6. Thanks for the update!! I was so hoping you’d find relief from the myriad of suggestions. Ir reminded me of a girl that had the hiccups. It was so severe, she went on national TV. (The Today Show) She too received a lot of support & suggestions.

  7. This is my 3rd pregnancy and I’ve taken it the whole time. It’s great! There’s a generic version that’s a little cheaper too- Ondansetron

  8. Just an FYI—– Zofran is a great drug…. However, be extremely cautious that it is VERY CONSTIPATING!!! So make sure you are getting plenty of fluids and using stool softners that are okayed by your MD. I thought the constipation was so miserable that I opted to just be sick with my pregnancy.

  9. I just wanted to let you know that I was sick my entire pregnancy with both of my kids and found out about zofran about 3 1/2 months into my first pregnancy. I am so grateful that my friend told me about this medicine because I would’ve been hospitalized had I not had it. I lost like 15lbs and was dehydrated.
    I was so worried about the baby and it all worked out great. Two healthy happy kids. Good Luck with your pregnancy.

  10. Zofran is fabulous, but Kristi is absolutely correct. Beware of the constipation. I took it almost my whole pregnancy and after I added in Miralax once daily it was great. I HIGHLY recommend doing this. It is safe during pregnancy and non-addictive. Good luck 🙂

  11. Thank you!! I never knew that. I am 8 weeks pregnant and on Zofran, and I didn’t think it was helping since this is only my 2nd day on it, glad to know it should kick in soon. 🙂

  12. Hey Sorry no one told you … with my pregnancy I was so sick I could barely stand and it took me 6 months to figure out that if I kept the zofran in my system I would not be so sick….. I don’t think doctors like to advertise that because many dislike refilling the prescription… HOWEVER… if they tell you to get off of it and you start to be wicked sick don’t feel bad to make them refill it…..My doctor told me that it is safe and that if it helps that much there should be not problems taking it. Then again it depends on how sick you are.. my best wishes hope you feel better soon!

  13. I tried Zofran too, just for a day and it didn’t work so I stopped taking it. I wish I had known that it had to be taken for several days to feel the benefit of it. I know a friend of mine was on it and ended up having to do some enemas so be careful. I was told that Milk of magnesia was okay to take if you need it. I just took 1 T. and it worked quickly. I’m glad you’re feeling better. With my daughters I was sick longer, like 17 weeks, but with my boys I’ve felt better quicker…so maybe that could happen with you too. With this one right now I was really sick until 10 weeks and then, it started to taper off a bit and I’d have a good day every few days until I’m feeling a lot better now at 16 weeks. It will pass!

  14. So I’m curious what else is working for you, beside Zofran. Zofran gives me a terrible headache. I’m 16 weeks, and in the past it has never gone away (this is number 7). I would love to hear the other things that made a difference. Hope you continue to feel better (even though it’s not 100% gone). Thanks for posting your question. I was interested in the answers from everyone.

  15. Wow I wish I had known! My doctors never told me that either and I had terrible morning sickness for all nine months of my pregnancy. I even threw up when I was in labor. There’s hope for the next pregnancy I guess! Glad you got it to work and thanks for sharing!!!

  16. wow i didnt know this either i just simply stoped takeing in a few days into takeing the drug becouse i thought it just wasnt working ill take this advise next time we have a baby

  17. I refused to take anything for morning/ afternoon/evening/all the time sickness. Some of those nausea medications can cause infertility in the baby. I will check every single side affect before taking anything.

  18. Zofran is amazing!! I was so sick during my first pregnancy…I mean I threw up all day everyday for my entire pregnancy 🙠My doctor never did anything for me either. I ended up in the walk-in clinic because I just couldn’t stop throwing up…had to have an iv for fluids and they gave me Zofran…OMG! Mad me feels so much better! But yes of course they didn’t give me anything for at home. When I found out I was preggers again, I looked into what I could do for myself. I read about taking Unisom & Vitamin B6…every night right before bed I would take one Unisom & one B6 and I wasn’t sick my entire pregnancy!!! I was amazed!

  19. I always took Meclazine , nothing else worked. It’s for motion sickness, but it worked wonders for me. Zofran is sooooo expensive! There wasn’t a generic when I was pregnant. So sorry you’re sick. It’s awful.

  20. I am SO happy you posted this… I have HORRIBLE sickness with my pregnancies… so much so that I don’t want to do it ever ever again (even though I know I will). I want to cry thinking about it :(. I think I tried this last time… but maybe not…. worth a shot!!


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